Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Ok, There seems to be little doubt Hussein had WMDs at one point. we have a large contigent of people here that believe "Bush Lied" about him having them at the time. Let's use common sense here for a bit. Ok, he used to have them. We didn't find any. So if Bush lied and Sadaam dismantled everything seems to me there would be evidence on a significant scale of such action. So I propose to those that honestly believe the bush lied mantra, to explain to me why there was no evidence of his disarmament. we should have found tons of this atleast.
Darth, this is such a simplistic view of those who disagree with Bush's actions. If you truly believe that this is the only reason that people disagree with Bush's conduct then you haven't grasped much of what's been debated at nauseum on this board. The reality is that it really doesn't matter whether Bush intentionally lied about the WMD's, whether he was simply wrong about his conclusions, or whether his cowboy conduct and tough words prior to the war gave Saddam plenty of time to get rid of the weapons.... regardless of whichever is the truth (and we may never know), he did not recover these weapons. Not coincidentally, Iraq's neighbors now seem to have had great advances in their quests for such weapons.
It's pretty clear that you started this thread just to beat the hell out of this dead horse. We all know each other's positions pretty well by now.... lets get over it.