beer pong anyone?


Active Member
So this weekend I relized i hate playing pong with stools and crappy tables so i made one
sorry i didnt take the time to size them

i started to draw on it and had it covered in sketchs then i was tracing with a marker i messed it up so i spray painted the whole thing

i will put a water proof or beer proof coating on it tomorrow.
hope you like


Active Member
nice job... table looks great...
i hate playing that knock off style of the REAL beer pong!!! that game is quarters with a ball...


Active Member
instaed of the ball you use quarters? we just call that quarters and we play on a 5 ft table this is 8 and i made it so i can just put in on a table or stools or something.


Active Member
the game you are playing that so many refer to as "beer pong" is just a rip off of quarters... its just like quarters but with ping pong balls and solo cups...
REAL beer pong is played on a ping pong table with a beer on the table... you play a game of ping pong and try to hit or make it into the other persons cup...


Active Member
o, but that actually takes skill, not alot of people can do that expecially drunk, plus this way is more fun


Active Member
i know it takes skill... but its not beer pong... it actually has another name... the name is like Iran or Afghanastan or some middle eastern name...


Active Member
It's beer pong not beirut. The isn't any real evidence that points the origins of beer pong being called beirut. It's just a ton of hearsay and misinfo that gets passed around the web. In this case, majority rules, and beer pong involves tossing a ping pong ball into a cup. Beer pong with paddles is just that, some random weirdo game with paddles, that no one plays...
Nice table though scott. We just play on an old ping pong table. Been meaning to build one, just been debating what to do. I want to use bar epoxy, and make a design inside. UCF stuff. But the bar epoxy is darn expensive consider the depth I'd need. I've also thought about just a sheet of acrylic/lexan over top, but I'm worried how the cup do with the lexan, if after some beer spills, would they slide to much? But if I did some skateboard tape stuff, it would prevent the cups from moving at all. And as we play, having the 'natural' movement of the cups is part of the game.


Active Member
i used to play on a ping pong table but after awhile it got flimsy and un balenced
once i get my own place i will build a real one out of plexi glass and have legs and have neon paint and black lights inside it, and maybe a stereo system.


Active Member
I have a number of friends that are pong fanatics. They all say that Beer Pong involves bouncing the ball into the opposing teams cup while Beirut is throwing the ball in without a bounce....


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Originally Posted by nitschke65
Although it gets very expensive, I prefer Jägerbomb - pong.

In non-competition games between us, we like add in a 'penalty cup,' either an extra full beer cup or a shot of Jäger inside
Originally Posted by DragonZim

I have a number of friends that are pong fanatics. They all say that Beer Pong involves bouncing the ball into the opposing teams cup while Beirut is throwing the ball in without a bounce....
Case in point. I've also heard Beirut referring to a traditional beer pong game, but where if the opposing team doesn't catch the ball on your or your teammates toss, both teams can go chase after the ball. Homage to the constant chaos in the captial of Lebanon and the chaos in this game. Also heard Beirut is simply 12 cup and Beer pong is 6.
The way we play is if you make a cup by bouncing, it's two cups, but the opposing team can swat the ball away. Straight shot is 1.
Has anyone heard/played Castle? Our old roommate introduced us to it a few months ago. Basically you can play with more then 2 people/team, we usually do 4/team, and more cups, with 4/team usually do 30 cups/side. The objective is after the opposing team makes a cup, you get to use that cup to make a 'castle.' And if the opposing team knocks your castle down, they have to drink/remove the same number of cups that fell. I'll post details game instructions if anybody wants. It's a great game if you have a bunch of people over that what to play.


Active Member
the way i have always played beer pong and all my friends and everyone i know you throw the ball make it in a cup then the other team drinks it if you bounce it in then they drink 2 cups but they can catch or smack the bounce if they want and if you end up geting the ball back after a throw you throw behind the back, it might not be rugulation or w/e but thats the way we do it in south florida.
and we play with how ever many cups we wantbut normally 6 or 10 because it takes long. But my table can only hold 21 cup pyramid.
hmm never heard of castle plz post some instructions it sounds interesting


Here's mine....I worked for a graphic design company in high school and one week the CEO went on vacation so me and my boss had a little fun with the million dollar printer!!! It's fully portable, about 6 and half feet. (O, and I was dressed for a redneck party so don't judge!)


Active Member
i love beer pong! and i play with 10 cups. 6 cups we play but when theres only a few of us. when its a big group 10 bad boys