before and after pics of new reef tank!!


whats a colt frag?
can you post a pic?
anyways, i'm actually going to get some cabbage coral...bubble coral...possibly torch coral..and like 1 or two clams.......


if you don't know what a frag is, it is a cut of removed smaller piece of coral. For example, im sure lebowski has a large piece of colt coral, and when it gets that big, you can take a extra sharp knife and cut a small piece off, and this piece will become its own living coral. That is a frag.


oh, dont worry about me and the clams...i'm not planning on getting them for atleast another 6 months....
also, i've heard that at close to 11 wats per gallon..well, more seeing as its about 20 gallons (with the live rock in there) that the clams will be fine...i mean, its a lot of light


Active Member
Your flame angel may be a problem with clams...just be aware that some will pick at clam mantles, and other corals. Seems to be just an individual personality thing. They don't always mix well. Glad to hear though that you will wait on them. It is hard to do (Lebowski!!!! LOL ;) ) but really quite important to do. There are so many things that we can't test for, but that are really very screwy in a young tank, and the animals can have trouble with it.
Looking good! One heck of a lighting retrofit!