Before and after

rabid frog

Active Member
Here is the problem I was having witn my lights.
This is when I first put it in the tank

this is present time

See the differnece in color??


What type of lights did it come out of? Maybe the chemistry is different? Did the frag colony get any sunlight during the day? Does your tank get any sunlight during the day? Did or does it come into contact with sunlight during the day? Where was the colony in the other tank? Where is it in yours? It can be a multiple of questions, I could sit here all day asking away. LOL. This hobby can get complicated very quickly.

rabid frog

Active Member
The frag came out of a lfs, so who knows where the colony is. It was under vho's the owner does not like runnin mh's for his coral tanks. I am guessing the lights it came from were lower. I was told that they turn dark like that when they are not getting enough light. But I do not think that is the case when it is sitting under 500 watts of mh. I tried putting it in an area with increased water flow. The coral is not unhealthy but I just do not like the coloration. I have having brown coral. I may try to add vho's to my tank and if I cannot get some color out of it I will just trade it back.