before I buy Fish????


Ok before I go spend my life savings away can somebody tell me where I can find a list of which fish are good together. I have kids and they all want a fish that was in Nemo. Do those fish work well or would there be problems with them.
:notsure: :help: :notsure:
opps should have mentioned 30 g tank


Active Member
Nemo and Jaques would be OK...
The rest of the cast would not be a good choice for a 30...


If you got two clowns, they'd be Nemo and Marlin...then one would become maybe Marlena?-

Was Jacques the cleaner shrimp - I think you could have a few of those.
I don't know how old your kids are, but maybe they'd understand that all those other fish were not happy in the tank?
Just a thought


Active Member
Just for refrence, what was the full "cast" of Nemo, and how large of a tank would it take to house them all in real life? I know the hippo tang needs at least 6 feet of swimming space. The clowns and cleaner shrimp just about everyone can keep. Obviously the sharks and turtles are out for compatability reasons as well as size.
What about the rest of the ones in the dentist's aquarium?


i know there was a puffer, royal gramma, star, and a moorish idol. i forget what else...


Active Member
Don't forget "Mt. Wannahockalugi"...and the Aqua Skum 2000 with "Laser monitoring" for correct levels...:yes:


Active Member
I've wanted the Aqua Scum 2000 for a year and a half now. :jumping:
If you have a fish-only tank, you could get Peach, the starfish. In a 30 FOWLR, I would get a chocolate chip starfish. They will stay on the side of the tank just like in the movie until it is feeding time, and they are easy to take care of. But, don't get one if you plan on having corals and anemones as they like to make snacks out of them.


Active Member
I believe if you were to host a casting call for all the fish pictured in the dentists tank a 300 gallon dressing room would be in order.


Active Member
The obsessive researcher strikes again! I think the "Fish School" listed on IMDB was a pretty generic school, seen from too far away to identify. (The school that formed itself into shapes like a face and an arrow.) Corrections are welcome, I'm just a beginner myself trying to come up with a complete answer to the common "My kids want a Nemo Tank" questions.General Rule: 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons of salt water. Marine fish do not stop growing because their tank is too small. Plan for the full grown size of the fish and its special needs."Finding Nemo" Cast, in order of "Nemo Tank" suitability:
Character (role) - Species Common Name - Suitability for an Aquarium
(Nemo's Dad) - Clownfish - A good starter aquarium fish. Max full grown size for true percula: 3", false percula: 4". (Other clowns are larger and will need larger aquariums.) A full grown pair of true percula clownfish will need a 20 gallon aquarium, 30 would be better. (The male will never reach full size, that's how they can fit in a 20.) Clownfish can be kept singly or in pairs, but not in threes. Buy two small fish or one fish much smaller than the other. The smaller fish will become the male, the larger the female. Omnivore.
(Nemo's Mom) - Clownfish
(Title Character) - Clownfish - Remember, you shouldn't keep clownfish in threes, it would be better to give Marlin and Coral a second chance at happiness than to try to have two males in the tank. (Won't work anyway, trying to keep a pair of males; one male will morph into a female, then you have to explain that to your kids.)
(Tank Gang) - Cleaner Shrimp - A good aquarium invertebrate, he will help keep aquarium fish healthy, and eat scraps of food they miss. This does not count towards your inches of fish, since he cleans up after the other fish. Omnivore.
(Tank Gang) - Royal Gramma - A good aquarium fish. Max full grown size: 3". It likes swimming through caves. Carnivore.
(Tank Gang) - Starfish - A good fish-only aquarium invertebrate, may eat reef invertebrates, serpent stars are easier to care for than the brittle star depicted in the movie. Carnivore/Omnivore depending on species.
Stop here if you want everything on the list in a resonably sized tank.
The above critters (2 true percula, 1 royal gramma, a cleaner shrimp and a starfish) will require at least a 40 gallon aquarium, 50/55 recommended. For a 20 gallon aquarium, you can have the clownfish and invertebrates, or just Gurgle and the invertebrates, but not all of them.)
Additional Aquarium Fish:
(Tank Gang) - Three Stripe Damselfish - Max full grown size: 4". Damsels are known to be very hearty, but can also be bullies and will pick on other fish. Should only be kept with other bullies, not with peaceful fish. (Not compatible with the other fish on this list.) Should not be kept in pairs without lots of places for them to hide from each other. Omnivore.
(Tank Gang) - Yellow Tang - Max full grown size: 8". Needs 6+ feet of tank length to swim. Loves her green veggies, will be healthiest if you can grow/order live macro algae for her to eat. Must be fed several times a day if there is no live macro alga for her to browse on. (Compatible with the top list, but needs a lot more space, I recommend a 125 gallon aquarium.)
(Marlin's Friend) - Hippo Tang/Blue Tang - Max full grown size: 10". Needs 6+ feet of tank length to swim. Remember how much Dory loves to swim, and how confused she'd get running into aquarium walls! Loves her green veggies, will be healthiest if you can grow/order live macro algae for her to eat. Must be fed several times a day if there is no live macro alga for her to browse on. (Compatible with the top list, and Bubbles, but needs a lot more space, I recommend a 125 gallon aquarium without Bubbles, 150 gallon aquarium with Bubbles.)Tad (schoolmate?) - Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish - Max full grown size: 9". Peaceful. Moderately difficult to care for. Carnivore.Bloat (Tank Gang) - Puffer, unknown species - Max full grown size: 4"-29" (species dependant) Will eat invertebrates, requires a special diet, some have continuously growing teeth that need hard shelled food to wear them down. Requires a lot of research on the species you are buying. Likely to need a very large aquarium. (Not compatible with Jacques or Peach)Characters Not Recommended for Most Aquariums:Sheldon (schoolmate) - Sea Horse - Very difficult to keep. Should be kept in a single species tank, and fed live foods. (Not compatible with any of the fish.) Not recommended for beginners.Pearl - Flapjack Octopus - A deep sea octopus. Not available in the aquarium trade.
Octopi in general - These creatures have a lot of personality, but don't take kindly to imprisonment in an aquarium. They are
incredible escape artists and will slip out of aquariums with conventional hoods, sometimes to their own detriment. Depending on species, they can grow up to 3 feet, and require a very large aquarium. Eats fish and invertebrates. (Not compatible with any of the fish on the list.) Not recommended.
(Leader of the Tank Gang) - Moorish Idol - Finicky Eater, difficult to keep alive in an aquarium. Not recommended.
(Turtle Family) - Loggerhead Sea Turtle - Too large for an aquarium.
(Turtle Family) - Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Turtles in general - Saltwater turtles are federally protected in the United States. You may consider a separate freshwater turtle tank if this is your child's favorite character from the movie. Do a search for the "Plymouth Redbelly turtle Headstart Project." There is great info there on filtration for a turtle tank, and if you live in MA, you can join the project.
Mr. Ray
(School Teacher) - Spotted Eagle Ray - Has a venomous tail spine, and requires a very large aquarium. Not recommended for beginners.
(Fishaholic) - Great White Shark - Obviously too large for an aquarium.
(Fishaholic) - Hammerhead Shark - Obviously too large for an aquarium.
(Fishaholic) - Mako Shark - Obviously too large for an aquarium.
Sharks in General - There are some sharks that can be kept in captivity, but most require exceedingly large aquariums as they grow up (starting at 200 gallons, and going up to custom tanks that dwarf the family swimming pool,) and must only be considered after doing a lot of research on the particular breed of shark you wish to raise. Also note: most tank mates are "food, not friends." Not recommended for beginners.
- Pelican - Birds don't live in aquariums. :)
- Humans don't live in aquariums. :)
- Humans don't live in aquariums. :)
Unidentified, listed on IMDB:

John Ratzenberger .... Fish School
Other fish/etc observed in the movie:
- Predatory, deep sea fish, not commonly available.
- Yummy snack for your carnivorous fish, more often sold frozen as food than live.
- Yeah right, you want a whale in your aquarium?
- Requires a mature aquarium, with pristine water conditions, and experienced care. Your clownfish is just as likely to "host" an easier to keep coral as an anemone, and it will be a lot less likely to die on you.
Credits: IMDB, "Naming Nemo" by Greg Pryor, my own memory, and several online fish merchants


Active Member
You have WAYYY too much time on your hands...:D
Gotta get out of the "imaginary" tank and into a real one...:yes:
That should keep you busy "counting" and identifying Isopods, amphopods and copapods...(or at least checking my spelling :eek: )
Nice job on the Nemo Crew ID by the way...Need to "save" that for future reference...
(What about "Squirt" the Octopus...He'd fit in a 30 )


Active Member

Originally posted by Squidd
Don't forget "Mt. Wannahockalugi"...and the Aqua Skum 2000 with "Laser monitoring" for correct levels...:yes:

my lfs here carries that as2000 and tried to sell it to this couple buying a goldfish...


Active Member

Originally posted by Squidd
You have WAYYY too much time on your hands...:D
Gotta get out of the "imaginary" tank and into a real one...:yes:
That should keep you busy "counting" and identifying Isopods, amphopods and copapods...(or at least checking my spelling :eek: )
Nice job on the Nemo Crew ID by the way...Need to "save" that for future reference...
(What about "Squirt" the Octopus...He'd fit in a 30 )

I need to budget my time better. My pile of bills here didn't get taken care of last night since I went off on a silly 2 hour research project. Speaking of bills, that's why I have only an imaginary tank right now. I'm still saving up for the real one. I hope to have stand and reef ready tank in the spring, refugium, epxerimental 10 gal and QT in summer, then live rock in fall.
I must have missed one there, I had Squirt down as the younger turtle. I'd still put that on the not recomended list since they have the tendancy to climb out of the aquarium.


Active Member
that tank in the dentist office in Nemo would be impossible because the puffer would probably eat the clown, royal gramma, and maybe the shrimp. if the puffer were left out, it would be do-able (not in a 30 gallon though). the yellow tang would need a bigger tank and the moorish idols are hard to keep. and putting a burping treasure chest or some kind of hawaiian mask mountain thing into ANY aquarium is VERY lame, imo.


Active Member
The three schoolmates are now identified. (I have to do something with my lunch break at work.) See edits to above massive post. Now the only unidentified character with a credit listing is the school of fish. There are plenty of other fish that make cameo appearances, but I don't think they're really worth cataloging right now. I havn't found an index of them, and I don't know enough fish species by sight to make it an enjoyable exercise.


Active Member
When you get your (real) tank set up, let me know...I'll ship you some Mushrooms and Nephthea...


Active Member
Originally Posted by DSkidmore
I hope to have stand and reef ready tank in the spring, refugium, epxerimental 10 gal and QT in summer, then live rock in fall.
I was so off on that schedule. At least the hubby is working again, so I have a chance of getting my tank someday. I'm not forgetting your offer though Squidd, don't go running out of fraggable material before I get my act together. :)
(I'd rather take my time and have everything I need to do it right, instead of putting a junky set of equiptment together now and wasting more money than I've saved.)