Before I do somthing stupid.


I'm inheriting a 100 gallon tank. And I need help on a stocking list. So I need to know if this list is too much
2 Yellow Tangs
2 False Percs
1 Powder Blue Tang


Originally Posted by parker171
How long is the tank because i think people recommend 6ft long for tangs
2 inches shy of being 6ft


Active Member
Originally Posted by parker171
That should be fine
Umm... I wouldn't be as optimistic.
I would stick with one yellow, as far as the tangs go. Pairs and groups of tangs usually take very large aquariums and powder blues are notorious for getting ich and other diseases.
There are a lot of great smaller to medium sized fish that you could look into, instead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MX#28
Umm... I wouldn't be as optimistic.
I would stick with one yellow, as far as the tangs go. Pairs and groups of tangs usually take very large aquariums and powder blues are notorious for getting ich and other diseases.
There are a lot of great smaller to medium sized fish that you could look into, instead.
I agree ...


Active Member
I think you would be fine with either list. I would however take out the powder blue and go with 3 yellows if you are going to do more than one. From what I have read and heard, with two you run the chance of having the stronger specimen killing off the weaker. If you go with one yellow I would go ahead and do the Powder Blue. Just because they get ick on most cases does not mean they are going to be a lot of trouble. For a new aquarist, I would get the clowns first, and wait a while and see if there is anything else you want. Also, get the yellows all at the same time if you are going to do a group because otherwise one might get territorial. Good luck and keep asking questions, it will save you a lot of money in the long run!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lysol
What about this list.
2 False Percs
1 Yellow Tang
1 Foxface

I like this list. Maybe even add some kind of a gobie for the bottom.


Active Member
1 yellow tang or 3...for some reason, tangs of this genus don't get along well in pairs...but you have plenty of room for anything being discussed--good luck!