Alright guys i got my new lights today, its the TEK lighting system and gives about 5 watts per gallon and now i was wondering what would be some nice beggenir corals and how if you think I should go with 2 or 3 mjs 900. I couldn't decide where to post this so I chose here rather than the new hobbiests thinking y'all might be of more help. Oh its a 55 "tub" (36 by 18 by 20) and I'm using a mag 5 and thought If i went with the 2 mjs i would have 20x turn over and with 3 i would have 25 turn over would the 25 be overkill? Also I was thinking about buying a zoo pack with 15 different frags, would that be too much to add at once? What about fungia and BTAs now that my tanks been up 8 months?