Beggining A Tank Help Please


yea its goin to be a reef tank after the rock is cured when i buy the clowns i will also buy anenomes at the same time, and i will also make plenty of caves in da tank with the live rock. I have 3 power heads a sp-2500, rio 1700 and a rio 600, should i use all of them or tell me which ones i should use also are those good power heads, my friend gave me to of them.


Active Member
Not sure bout the sp. I have a rio. Its ok. Im going to get some korala or something like that. Um Anenome you will have to wait for the tank to become established. Like 6-12 months. You also need a mh light too.


o ok but i think im goin to get a better power head like one that is not used. the mh light is the moon light or the florecent light right? or what is it?


Active Member
Metal Hailide light. You may have PC's Power compacts. If you get a new power head get the korila or w/e its called. It moves so the flow goes everywhere not 1 spot.


o thats good should i get 1 or 2. thanks for all these ideas and comments its giving me alot of help. what size tank do you have n if you can post pics to see and get ideas.


Active Member
I would get 2. 1 at the top left corner aiming down. 1 at the center aiming straight across.
I have a 29. I dont have the powerheads but im going to get them. This is my 29 and sump. Its a video.


Active Member
They are empty shells. I plan on getting a bicolor psedo. (The clown died yesterday) so im going to replace him. Im going to get a pgmy angel and a yellow watchman goby. And lots of corals. My tank crashed to thats why the clown died.


Active Member
And yes that is the pump I am talking about. I would take away the link because they are not allowed here unless they are to this site or pics and such.


Oo in my tank i want to get about4 or 5 clowns 2 gobbys mayb 2 or 3 butterflies of course the cleaning team, anenomes, and zoas and other corals but they are selling 2 lion fish and trigger fish in my lfs could i put a trigger fish in my tank and a lion fish they are juvis could i put them later on or is my tank to small or i cant put them in because it is not an agessive tank?


Active Member
No trigger. Only 2 clowns because they will fight. The 2 will pair up and lay eggs. Gobies are fine. Id stay away from butterflies as most arnt reef safe. Lion you could do a fuzzy dwarf and watch with inverts. For more fish you could do a Angel(Dwarf) gobies blennies clowns and other small fish.


O i read that clowns swin in groups of 4 or 5 but i will get to and also the trigger fish they are sellin is a picasso and the lion fish isnt a fuzzy dwarf i think its a volitan and yea they will eat the inverts so i will think about making that decission for a while thay also have a juvi koran angel or a emporer but i think its a koran frm the sequence of the stripes and other butterflies, damssels, blood red shrimp, fan worm its really small they will probaly give it to me for about 50 cents and chocolate chip stars

aztec reef

Active Member
No triggers, no lions, No tangs. You need to do a search for the animals you want to keep(compatibility wise) .
Also for a month all you're going to have is live rock, sand. and saltwater with powerheads and other equip.( until cycle is over) You're gonna need test kits like: Ammonia ,Nitrites,Nitrates.


yea my dad is coming on friday with the overflow i have in miami and my test kit that test ph, amonia, nitrite, nitrate, salintiy and all that and also im goin to tell him to stop in a lps in miami and buy me the pump i posted up an triga told me to get, but i think im just goin to have small fish like clowns n gobys and inverts thats all and mayb when i upgrade to a bigger tank i will put triggers and lions and mayb jus make it an agrressive tank.