begining reef


New Member
i have a 75 gallon tank with americal sump. corallife power compact 265w almost 4w to the gallon. 50 pounds of lr and 50 pounds of live sand .as of now it just has fish what would u recommed the next steps would be in acheiving reef goodness


New Member
and also what i would like to know what could i have with my setup now as far as aenomes soft or hard corals ect... if any please will sombody respond:bowdown :confused:


Staff member
Why don't you start adding some rics or other soft corals. No matter the wattage, most hard corals are not going to be suitable for a PC setup. Also, in a smaller tank, you want to stick to soft and not mix soft with hard due to coral aggression.
I'm starting a reef tank, too...Last weekend, purchased star polyp coral...My LFS told me to add anemone at the end...Is this true? I thought you need to add them first so that it can choose it suitable place to stay..


I was told as well to add an anemone first, let it find it's "home" (knowing of course it can and may move) but really, it makes sense that if it wants to move it will, so in theory I guess it makes sense to add first, but knowing it will ultimately do what it wants.
Also, since most of the time anemones stay on the bottom and not the rocks, and the corals for the most part are opposite, it may not matter...however, there is another thread running about someones anemone stinging a coral...sorry i dont knwo the thread name (could be anemone stung my coral?) lol....but look for it.


i have a bta hooked on to my toadstool. but anyway i dont think it matters what comes first coral or anemone. u can keep mostly all soft corals and some hard mostly lsp. well thats what i keep i had 4x55 on a 55gal. thats 4watts per gal. now i put my old 2x65 on it to, wow what a diiference. now its 6.3per gal. everything is doin better. and bigger !!!as for fish. yellow tang,gobies like watchman,clown, sand sifter( my fav) firefish. no tank is complete without a pair of clowns. six line wrasse, blennie,pseudochromis. i wouldnt get damsels there to aggressive. maybe an anthias, dwarf angel, well u get the idea.


Active Member
Yes- mushrooms, ricordea, zoanthids(all though they like more light)
There are also "starter" packs you can purchase that have an assortment of easy to care for corals