beginner, 20 gallon tank


New Member
Hey im back again.
Im planning to get a 20+g tank for X-mas. And Im a beginner.
I know Im getting clown fish for sure.
But ive also been thinking about adding more fish and invertebrate. what fish should a beginer get? and would it be a good idea for invertebrate? I was thinking an anemone and a tubeworm, possibly coral.


yellow-tailed damsels are small & very hardy & easy to keep & colorful...having a pair, they MAY even breed; spawn likely to end up as fish food by other tank mates though...the convict damsel will make a croaking noise; especially when feeding on live food; make sure tank is cycled FIRST though
Hey there D-chan,
As a beginner the clownfish is a good start. I would however hold off for a while on getting an anenome, for they are very hard to keep. A 20gal. tank can hold them but requires alot of attention to water parimeters because 1) water evaporates fast and 2) water tests can become a pain in the a@@..keep in mind that anenomes are picky when it comes to thier surroundings (water)
I would get your tank set up and cycled for at least 3-4 months before intoducing any corals or fish, this way you will save yourself alot of expence and heartache.
So tell us what kind of set up are you going with? FOWLR? FO? REEF?
whatever you decide go with a dsb. :D


New Member
FOWLR? whats that. im guessing the other 2 are fish only and reef.
I think im gonna get yellow tail damsels too. theyre really pretty and cheap too. :D
Im thinking about getting a 30 gallon now, cuz theres a sale on a combo set at the pet shop.
FOWLR = fish only with live rock
30gal. is better than 20, but testing is still a pain.....hey alot of us do it though and I have seen some wild 30 gal. tanks.
good luck


a clown is a good 1 to start off with other hardy fish would be bangaii cardinal, fire fish. the fanworms are probably the easiest to start off with for inverts they can withstand some changes in water parameters, i got some on live rock and they are spreading all over my tank. i agree u should wait on the anenome they need a tank that's been running for a while at least 6-8 months min.also make sure your clown is compatable with the anenome there are some it won't go to and some they really perfer :cool: good luck


Active Member
i'd disagree with the anemones needing to be in a tank that's been up and running for 6-8 months. I've had the same anemone and he is doing great. I put him in after about 3 months. He looks great and eats great still...(it's been about 6 months of having the tank) Of course, at the same time, I have a larger tank than you so it might be easier to keep the levels more prestine in mine than urs. Anyways...get what you want, but you would need to dedicate a lot of time to your tank if you choose to get an anemone or two.