Right now all I have are some button polyps that are spreading like crazy. I was thinking about purchasing some Xenia and some Brain Coral. Are these relatively easy to take care of? Thanks.
I have a 25 gallon, it is 3 feet long, so space isn't an issue. I like Xenia, but now that you tell me this I won't be buying it. I have decent lighting, so a brain would be good.
Ricordia or zoanthids would be great starters. I also tried a frogspawn within a month of starting coral and it's still alive, since you mention brain. Brain coral is a little more demanding, imo.
Dont be scared by xenia. It is hit or miss, but you can usually find it for free or very cheap from other reefers. I actually just gave away about 20 frags last night to a fellow reefer in my area. If it costs you nothing or maybe $5 and it dies you didnt lose much. DONT! whatever you do pay more than that for a frag though.
Originally Posted by BoneSnapper
Anyone have any experience with Bubble Corals? My friend has one, I thought they were pretty cool.
As far as LPS go I'd consider them as moderate care level, but they're delicate and easily damaged.
Star polyps, mushrooms/ricordias, and zoas are pretty good starters. Give these a shot, and if all is well try an easy LPS like a candy.
What type of lighting do you have?
Well now that you tell me that they are delicate, I don't want to risk killing it. What about Plate Coral? I have a Coralife 96 watt, 6700 K lightbulb. I already have polyps and zoos.