Beginner Corals


Right now all I have are some button polyps that are spreading like crazy. I was thinking about purchasing some Xenia and some Brain Coral. Are these relatively easy to take care of? Thanks.


I have a 25 gallon, it is 3 feet long, so space isn't an issue. I like Xenia, but now that you tell me this I won't be buying it. I have decent lighting, so a brain would be good.


Active Member
Ricordia or zoanthids would be great starters. I also tried a frogspawn within a month of starting coral and it's still alive, since you mention brain. Brain coral is a little more demanding, imo.


I have some button polyps, but I would like to get some super colored zoos. What about Plate corals, are they easy to manage?


Dont be scared by xenia. It is hit or miss, but you can usually find it for free or very cheap from other reefers. I actually just gave away about 20 frags last night to a fellow reefer in my area. If it costs you nothing or maybe $5 and it dies you didnt lose much. DONT! whatever you do pay more than that for a frag though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BoneSnapper
Anyone have any experience with Bubble Corals? My friend has one, I thought they were pretty cool.
As far as LPS go I'd consider them as moderate care level, but they're delicate and easily damaged.
Star polyps, mushrooms/ricordias, and zoas are pretty good starters. Give these a shot, and if all is well try an easy LPS like a candy.
What type of lighting do you have?


Well now that you tell me that they are delicate, I don't want to risk killing it. What about Plate Coral? I have a Coralife 96 watt, 6700 K lightbulb. I already have polyps and zoos.