Beginner Corals


So my tank is looking pretty bare, I only have a brown palythoa (which is battling some algae that I'm trying to get rid of) and a pink finger leather coral that is starting to get a green hue (I love this coral). So coming this December I'm going to do a huge coral haul. This is my list so far:

  • Green star polyps
  • Hammer Coral
  • Frogspawn
  • A torch coral
  • Pulsing Xenia
  • Toadstool Leather

Now I don't have a very strong light so I mostly want softies and LPS (my lights an orbit marine led), But it says it can sustain low light sps so I was thinking of maybe some montipora Capricornis and putting it at the very top (I have a perfect place where it won't block any other corals from light), but that might be a stretch. Anyways what are some others I can get to fill up my tank?


Active Member
The Torch coral would be a good choice. Very Colorful, and basically maintenance free if you put them on top of the rock where they can get good current flow and light. The tentacled soft corals seem to do best in my tank anyways.


Well-Known Member
Any of the Euphillia you listed would be a good choice for beginner LPS, i.e., the torch, hammer or frogspawn as care requirements are virtually the same.

They can be kept next to one another but can sting other types of coral.


Does anyone know if it would be ok to put in some montipora Capricornis if I put it at the top so it can get a lot of light


This is my list so far

Green star polyps
hammer coral
torch coral
pulsing xenia
toadstool leather
photosynthetic gorgonian
montipora Capricornis

Are there any other corals that would be easy to care for and only needs low to medium light. And are there any on my list that would be too hard to take care of?