Beginner Fish


New Member
:confused: New 45 gal tank that I'm barely starting. After I have the whole cycle issue settled and done the "cycle fish" thing...what are some hardy, easy care, and relatively small fish you guys would recommend?:)


Active Member
I second the clownfish but I would percs because I hear others can be aggresive.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Neff
A molly?!? I hope you're joking. :D

Nope. Very interesting and hardy cycling fish. Even have babies in the tank.


Clownfish is a good choice, but not the tomato/cinnemon clowns IMO. They are too aggressive sometimes. Go with false perc or maroon. I love maroon and I've never had success with false perc. Don't put damsel in if your cycle is done. They are tough to catch if you don't want them later. I can't even take mine out and it becomes a headache right now.


Yeah but why would you want to have a mollie?
Clown for sure and I found royal gramma's to be great begainer fish and inexpencive too. Good personality and brightly colored.


One more thing, if you get a damel get the Green Chromis like kelldog said. Others arn't worth it unless you have them matched up just right so that they aren't a problem. I had three blue damels in a 80 gallon that would kill most new additions and I could never get them out of there. One's still in there but it leaves the fish I still have alone. But that's another issue for another topic.



Originally posted by K-Dawg
Yeah but why would you want to have a mollie?

Mollies are perfect for cycling a trigger or lionfish tank. Once the cycle is complete you already have some snacks in the tank for the newcomers. :D :D


How about some cardinals. IMO they are awsome! I'm getting 5 or so bangii cardinals in my 75 once its cycled and ready for fish.


Sounds like you have some good suggestions already. I would be cautious about mixing clowns - I had a GSM try to kill a Percula when I put them together. Damsels are extremely territorial, but you probably knew that already. Cardinals are peaceful, but not very active.


Mollies are good starting fish, they are also accustomed to saltwater, thats actually when they thrive the most. I have a freshwater 29 gallon in which I have Mollies in and they have lasted me over 2 1/2 years and they just keep reproducing, its unbelievable!! The secret is adding some salt to your freshwater tank. But if you like the green Chromis I would go for them, thats what I used in my 180 Reef and I've had them for about a year, their a great looking fish and they school together, I have 6.


Get ready to flame me:D
Why woudl anyone go thru the trouble and $$ to set up a saltwater tank and put mollies in it?
That is like living by the ocean and having a goldfish tank.
Okay I have the fire suit on flame away;)


Like I said, they're just starter fish the same as you would use damsels or anything else. Mollies you can get for a buck or two, depends on the person or their finances? I did'nt, but just saying it could be an option.



Originally posted by lesa
Get ready to flame me:D
Why woudl anyone go thru the trouble and $$ to set up a saltwater tank and put mollies in it?
That is like living by the ocean and having a goldfish tank.
Okay I have the fire suit on flame away;)

OK, here comes the flame.......
I AGREE!!!!! :D


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Drakken
OK, here comes the flame.......
I AGREE!!!!! :D

and i agree also. We do want to have saltwater fish. But the best first fish is still the molly for me. Just not the only fish in the tank.
Also had a hog fish the made short work of the 10 babies in my 55g :D