Beginner Help! Things Dying.


I started my tank a few months ago, got all of my readings down, bought some live rock and damsels and did ok. Over time a few died, I had some green algae but things were still ok. I got rid of the green algae no problem.
Then...a few weeks ago I bought a Cinnamon Clown and a few invertebrates: anemone, snails, and a small urchin.
Everything dead w/in 24-48 hours except the Cinnamon Clown. So I figured my water was too harsh for the invertebrates and re-tested the water I thought was ok. Here's what I found:
Temp: 80
Salinity: 1.0225
PH: 8.6 (or even higher)
Ammonia: 0.00
Nitrite: 0.00
Nitrate: 20
I figured the PH killed them off. So I got some PH 8.2 stuff and its not working at all. I thought maybe the temp was too high.
Could someone PLESE look at my readings and let me know whats going on!


Active Member
Your pH is definitely high...should be 8.2-8.3.
Get an alkalinity test kit...alk and pH go hand in hand...I wouldn't add anything without checking the levels. Nitrates are a bit high, but within limits...
You may have added too much too should add things slowly to your tank. Did you add all of that at once? If so, that may be the culprit.
Did you acclimate everything? How?
Also, what size tank do you have? How much Live Rock? Any Live Sand?


Size tank: 75 gal
Live sand: NO! Never even heard about it until I found this site
Live rock: about 20 lbs - i've never seen anything alive in the first 10 lbs i put in. the most recent 10lbs i saw a feather duster or two but now its gone.
Acclimation: first, I floated the bags in the tank for 25 mins. then, i empited the bags and fish into a bucket and slowly drained the same amount of water from my tank into the bucket with the fish. let that sit for 20 mins. then scooped out the fish with a net.


How do I get the PH down??? I tried this stuff for saltwater called PH 8.4 or PH 8.4 and it doesnt work.


Active Member
Live Sand and Live Rock will help your filtration greatly...You may not "see" the life on live rock, or live sand, but it is there. A lot is microscopic - bacteria and such. Over time, you will most likely see some critters coming out of your live rock...
I do think that 20lbs in a 75g tank isn't enough. IMO, you should get some more.
As for Live Sand, it will only help...however, since you have crushed coral, it will eventually seep down underneath the coral. You may want to change it out, but that is your choice.
As for the acclimation, that sounds fine. Although, you may want to just add some tank water to the bag, while it is floating...may be stressful to the fish to dump into a bucket, and then scoop out into the tank...but that may not be a problem.
As far as reducing pH, have you done any water changes? If so, how often. I would recommend testing the new water you are adding. If the pH is lower, that alone may help. I know their are products out there, but I have only had the problem of pH being low, not high.


Actually, I havent done any water changes yet, which is an other post. But since you asked...
The water in my tank evaporates so frequently - I always assumed it was b/c of my wet dry trickle filter - that I have to Top it Off at least twice a week with tap water (about a gallon or two a week).
Is this still considered a water change since the salt and other "thing" in the water dont evaporate?
I fully condition the tap water before I put it in the tank. That fixed my brown algae problem.


The bucket was actually from when I purchased my sea salt from the store. I didnt rinse it or anything though??? Too lazy and excited to get my new fish in.
I took my water readings to the same store and they couldnt fix it.


Active Member
If you've had your tank up since June, I'd say it's time to start doing water changes...maybe 20% every few weeks? Personally, in my 29g, I do 20% every week. No, top off's don't count as changes.
Tap water conditioners may not actually get all of the minerals out of the water...often a problem.
Any possibility of using RO water for top offs and water changes? It is very cheap to buy by the gallon.


Active Member
Nope, evaporation is not considered a water change. You need to do a water change, using a siphon to clean out gunk trapped in the crushed coral. Have your tap water tested to see what the PH is...if it is very high, then you need to consider using reverse osmosis or distilled water to mix up your salt. This isn't a bad idea anyway.
I agree that you need to have your pH and alk tested. You need an accurate reading of your pH. What test kit do you use?
Because your inverts are dying, it points to one classic problem. Did you ever use a copper based medication in the tank? Was it a new tank, or previously used, eg, for fresh water? If you did, you'll never keep inverts in that tank.
Also try a copper test on your water.
In cases of mysterious deaths, I would do a water change (start using RO water from the store or buy your own unit). Run a poly filter or organic resin in the tank...your LFS should give you info on this. If they couldn't help you, or even give suggestions, find a new store. Then try a few tough things, like snails, and see what happens.


Active Member
Reverse Osmosis water...if you have a little water kiosk or store anywhere, you can usually get it there. I get it for 35 cents per gallon. I've heard of some getting it for as low as 15 cents per gallon.


I live on the east coast and have never heard of Reverse Osmomsis or a water 'kiosk'. I'll look into it.
I've been burnt by bad stores before so I searched around for this one and trust it. but def not as knowledgeable as this site!
The tank is definitely new, so I'm safe there.


you also should not be putting in an anemone into a tank that is under 6 months to a year old w/ enough lighting for it as well; some people believe that stressed/dead/dying anemones may release some type of toxin into the water as well


By the way, you can usually get ro water at Walmart. It's labeled as drinking water, but if you look at the ingredients, it will say reverse osmosis water. About .53 cents. Also, your local fish store may sell it for less for just this purpose. Good luck. I hope everything turns out okay. Keep us posted.


HOW did you get rid of the green algae? Did you have the bright green, or the hair algae? I'd love to know because I'm having this problem now.


Thanks for all of the help!
As far as the green Algae, it was a typo. I had the brown algae that I got rid of by conditioning my tap water. I have green algae now but its not the bad, hariy stuff.
Thank you!