Beginner Help!!


New Member
Hello fellow fish lovers!
Though I’ve had my nano 20 gallon salt water tank over a year, I still consider myself an amateur to marine fish-keeping. I have in my tank a tiny Valentini Puffer and two PJ Carndinals. I have had them a long time and they are doing very well, but one problem that has plagued me since the beginning is getting rid of brown/green algae, and growing instead coraline algae. My salinity is, ammonia is 0ppm, Nitrates at about 5ppm, and Phosphates around 5ppm. I have a mini phosphate skimmer and a 40 gallon hanging filer. I bought the skimmer because a friend said it would help get rid of phosphates, and thus algae, but I have had no luck. I’ve taken every rock out, scrubbed them with a toothbrush, and two days later the bubbles and algae are back full force. I also tried putting a piece of live rock in my tank that already had coraline algae but still no luck. I’ve heard coraline algae needs calcium to grow, so a long time ago I bought one of those calcium tube tests and liquid calcium. Nothing seemed to come of it, so I gave up. I recently tested again, and while I was using the test to check the calcium level, I added drop after drop into the test tube, but never reached the endpoint color, even after 20 drops. So I was wondering if anyone has some advice for me. All I want to do is get rid of this cursed brown algae and grow coraline. Have I been doing something wrong?
Thank you for reading!


New Member
I've only got one hermit crab. I added turbo snails but they all died off fairly quickly, and my hermit crab tends to kill off other crabs.


New Member
I know this thread is a little old but I wanted to add that i had the same problem that you did but nano-newb is right I got some nerite, nassirius and cerinth snails and my take is rid of all algea and continues to be as clean as I have ever thought about cleaning it. Snails will work wonders. I would not leave hermits with them as they can be shell robbers and love to be the demise of snails. Give it a shot you will be amazed what mother nature can do!


Well-Known Member
Lol. The op was mainly asking about how to grow coralline algae. I agree, however, that you should trade in the hermit for some different types of snails.
To grow coralline algae, you gotta get your nitrate and phosphate down to undetectable levels. Phosphate inhibits coralline algae growth and promotes green filamentous algae growth. You also will need to keep your calcium at 460ppm and your alkalinity high at 10dKh. It will eventually spread. Do frequent water changes with a high quality salt. Use only RO water or distiller water in your system. Never use treated tap water because of the excess nitrate and phosphate.


New Member
. All I want to do is get rid of this cursed brown algae and grow coraline. Have I been doing something wrong?
LOL, sorry I didnt offer advice for the "main" question I advised on the "un-main" one. You may want to also scrape some of the coralline from a rock in your tank to help it spread.