beginner homepage ?'s

I just put my url into my profile for homepage. (1) It's not showing up when I post ?'s. Is it suppose to do that or not?
(2) I actually forgot what I wanted to ask. I've been at this computer for 3 hours now. Please help me. The main thing is I have my url code I want to set-up my homepage.
Oh! I want to know how to upload pictures. Any info would help I'm stumped! And tired.

mr . salty

Active Member
If you want it to show at the bottom of every post,you have to put it in your signature...I saw it in your profile,but got website unavalible error when I tried too look...
Puffer- I can help you out with anything web page related. I can put up everything you need me to at a free host like geocities or homestead. All you need to do is email me the pictures and html code that you are using and I will put it up for you. Email is