Beginner Info?

Hello Fellas,
I've been in the fresh water hobby for years... and I'm ready to move into Saltwater. The question I have is it better to buy someone's setup thats well established or to piece together one from scratch? I'd like to have 125G tank and I've been told that although it may cost you more upfront for your set up it would be easier for me to manage due to the size compared to a 29G tank or so. Anyways Im looking for some direction on a good set up for a beginner like I am if you guys have the time. My daughter is the reason I want the SW tank due to the fact she watches Finding Nemo daily
I'd really enjoy a pair of Clown's and a Blue Hippo for her. The Lionfish is also very impressive too me. Anyways drop me a line for good beginner Ideas.


Active Member
Welcome to the addiction...
The first investment you should make is a good saltwater book. I'd recommend Fenner's "A Conscientious Marine Aquarist". That book does a great job of explaining the different types of aquarium setups. I'm currently reading "Reef Aquariums" by Tullock. It also seems to be pretty good (so far). Fenner, however is by far my favorite, as he has been in the hobby forever and he runs a website where he, or one of his staff, will always answer your questions.
Finding Nemo doesn't exactly do the hobby justice. If you want a tang most experts agree you need a 6 foot tank with plenty of swimming room. Clownfish can be hardy, but also territorial. Anemones are difficult to take care of and require strong (which equals expensive) lighting.
Now, don't let any of that scare you. It will be a wonderful hobby for your daughter. You just want to make sure you do your research. A properly thought out and set up tank is amazing. A poorly set up tank will cause nothing but headaches..
After you've read a good book (like the one I suggested) start looking around for a good LFS (Local Fish Store). Be sure to ask lot's of questions to them, then come back here and ask the same questions. Many pet stores simply do not have the money to hire saltwater experts. Many of us have been given a lot of very bad information from nice, but wrong, pet store employees.
If you set up a "natural" aquarium, you'll be surprised by how little equipment you will actually have to buy. lighting will be your biggest investment if you plan on keeping an anemone and corals.
Good luck!


Active Member
YA if you want clown fish you cant have a lion fish it will eat the clowns.... plus lion fish are not nomally reef safe so it would eat the corals if you get them


Active Member
Agree with all said above.
The best way to go about this is read up and learn as much as you can before buying anything.
AS for buying equipment, don't skimp out on things. You do get what you pay for and spending a little more up front will save you in the long run!
Being a beginner in the SW hobby, I'd stay away from anemones. They can be very tough to keep, require intense lighting, and pristine water conditions...which is not easy to get right off the bat. They also require a well established system....6 months minimum.
Congrats on taking the plunge and if you have any more questions...just ask!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
YA if you want clown fish you cant have a lion fish it will eat the clowns.... plus lion fish are not nomally reef safe so it would eat the corals if you get them
Well, not the corals, but it might eat some small inverts. Most importantly, it will possibly eat small reef fish.


Welcome to this message forum. A 125g, wow, I wish I could have one that big...I'm only getting a 50g-60g. This message board has helped me a lot. My LFS told me I could have a stingray & starfish in the same tank & that the stingray wouldn't outgrow it. And one store even said you only need to cycle for 2-3 days. So, yeah definitely be careful about what stores tell you. One poster on here suggested to me that it's good if you go to bunch of LFS & ask the same questions at each one, when you get like 3 stores that say the same thing, then the info they're giving you is probaby correct.