Originally Posted by
deejeff442 http:///forum/post/2923972
i am with scopus mh
the lighting just looks better
i ran 2 250watt on my 90 gallon with 1 fan and never had a heat problem
you can get a single 250 watt for less than $150.
or look into a setup with a 150 watt mh and 2-4 t5's
then you dont have to run the mh all the time
thay have a built in fan and are a nice set up.
probably are around $250-$300
I would appreciate it if you could tell me where I could find these fixtures for these prices. The only place I could fnd them that cheap, is the auction site, and they're a really crappy brand.
I do see the MH's for $150, but I would have to purchase the ballasts. The MH w/ T5 are waayy too much, except on the auction site, which again, I don't trust that brand (after reading bad stuff).
Feel free to PM me w/ any info.
Originally Posted by Bubbles02 http:///forum/post/2924031
I currently have a 46g bow and have about 45-50lbs live rock. I have a clam, candy cane, xenia, zoos, and shrooms under the Nova Extreme Pro(the 6 bulb combo). Everything is doing great and the clam lookes really good, I light acclimated him up to one of the higher points in the tank and the color is brilliant. I've gotten a lot of growth out of the candy cane and xenia in the short amount of time that i've had them. I'm just waiting for my canes to split. My zoos and shrooms have bright color as well.
The Nova Extreme Pro is just stock now. But if you go to this link,
https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/347396/t5-lighting it will give you a good bulb combo and you can keep just about anything under them. I've found the bulb combo at reefgeek for a little under $145, shipping included. Also, the best price I found the fixture at was ***********.
Thanks for the info. I'm gonna go your route. I read on the that thread you sent that you were intersted in them. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate if you could PM if/when you purchase them and let me know how you like them. Also, thanks for giving me the best places to find them.
I really don't want to go MH, because it's really expensive. I think i'm gonna go w/ the 6 bulb fixture, and just stick w/ it for until I can upgrade the bulbs, and maybe get the combo you suggested.
The way I see it, I'm using a single flourcent, normal outbput bulb for the past year. If I upgrade to a 4 or 6 bulb T5 fixture, I'm gonna be more than happy. I won't be upset w/ my choice, until I get a MH in the distant future. I understand that MH's are more appealing, and maybe a little bit better, but that's to you experienced reefers who can tell the difference. I think you can tell by my questions that i'm a rookie and I'll I think I'll be happy w/ the T5's.
THanks a lot for all your help. I plan on ordering the 6 bulb T5's after I get my taxes back. I'll let you know my final decision.
Feel free to contiune to comment.