Beginner Reef Questions. I'd Appreciate some feedback.


Active Member
I was able to run a MH with no sump on my nano no problem with just a fan because I ran open top. On my 60 I ended up getting a chiller because I had a canopy. Now on my 120 I am back to open top, but am still running a small chiller because my house gets really hot and I am too cheap to run the AC


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
I was able to run a MH with no sump on my nano no problem with just a fan because I ran open top. On my 60 I ended up getting a chiller because I had a canopy. Now on my 120 I am back to open top, but am still running a small chiller because my house gets really hot and I am too cheap to run the AC
So you'll run an AC unit for your fish, but not yourself?
My wife would NOT tolerate that.


Originally Posted by woody189
Ok, now I'm lost. I got 3 replies w/ 3 completly different suggestions on lights.
Drakken...You say a PC. I read these aren't the best. Do you have positive experience w/ them? I woudl love to go this route, because they are DEF cheap.
I had a 130 watt USA Current PC fixture with 50/50 bulbs on my 55 gal tank for almost 2 years. I started out with a few small shrooms, some zoos and a tiny 1/4 inch piece of Kenya Tree. Everything you see in the picture below was grown in that tank (the pic is of my new 105 gal tank which has only be up for a few weeks). I'm not saying PC is the best but it does work good and is inexpensive.


scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Drakken
I had a 130 watt USA Current PC fixture with 50/50 bulbs on my 55 gal tank for almost 2 years. I started out with a few small shrooms, some zoos and a tiny 1/4 inch piece of Kenya Tree. Everything you see in the picture below was grown in that tank (the pic is of my new 105 gal tank which has only be up for a few weeks). I'm not saying PC is the best but it does work good and is inexpensive.
True enough Drakken, provided you're willing to stick with low light demanding corals like shrooms, zoos and kenya trees. The OP however indicated he was interested in Anemonies and SPS corals; neither of which can be sustained with PC lighting IME.


Thanks guys. I'm not sure what I'm gonna get, but I'll be sure to let you guys know what I decide.
I'll probably have a few more questions anyway.


I changed my mind again. I'm gonna go T5 (Sorry Scopus).
I was planning on getting Odyssea MH's, but after some research, I realize that I shouldn't. I have to suck it up and pay the money for expensive lighting. It's bad enough I have to buy a reliable brand, so I'm not gonna get MH's since I don't really need to.
So... I would still like to know, do you think 4 bulbs would be good, or should I go w/ 6?
I was thinking about one of these:
1) Current USA Nova extreme Pro T5's- 6X39 Watts for $305
2) Current USA Nova Extreme T5's- 4X39 Watts for $190
The price difference is real big, so I'm wondering if it's worth it. Also, would I need to upgrade the bulbs, or are they good?


Active Member
i am with scopus mh
the lighting just looks better
i ran 2 250watt on my 90 gallon with 1 fan and never had a heat problem
you can get a single 250 watt for less than $150.
or look into a setup with a 150 watt mh and 2-4 t5's
then you dont have to run the mh all the time
thay have a built in fan and are a nice set up.
probably are around $250-$300


I currently have a 46g bow and have about 45-50lbs live rock. I have a clam, candy cane, xenia, zoos, and shrooms under the Nova Extreme Pro(the 6 bulb combo). Everything is doing great and the clam lookes really good, I light acclimated him up to one of the higher points in the tank and the color is brilliant. I've gotten a lot of growth out of the candy cane and xenia in the short amount of time that i've had them. I'm just waiting for my canes to split. My zoos and shrooms have bright color as well.
The Nova Extreme Pro is just stock now. But if you go to this link, it will give you a good bulb combo and you can keep just about anything under them. I've found the bulb combo at reefgeek for a little under $145, shipping included. Also, the best price I found the fixture at was ***********.


Active Member
Originally Posted by woody189
I changed my mind again. I'm gonna go T5 (Sorry Scopus).
I was planning on getting Odyssea MH's, but after some research, I realize that I shouldn't. I have to suck it up and pay the money for expensive lighting. It's bad enough I have to buy a reliable brand, so I'm not gonna get MH's since I don't really need to.
So... I would still like to know, do you think 4 bulbs would be good, or should I go w/ 6?
I was thinking about one of these:
1) Current USA Nova extreme Pro T5's- 6X39 Watts for $305
2) Current USA Nova Extreme T5's- 4X39 Watts for $190
The price difference is real big, so I'm wondering if it's worth it. Also, would I need to upgrade the bulbs, or are they good?
Your tank is fairly deep horizontally. I'd go with the 6 bulb fixture, just to make sure you get a nice 'spread' of light in the tank.


Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///forum/post/2923972
i am with scopus mh
the lighting just looks better
i ran 2 250watt on my 90 gallon with 1 fan and never had a heat problem
you can get a single 250 watt for less than $150.
or look into a setup with a 150 watt mh and 2-4 t5's
then you dont have to run the mh all the time
thay have a built in fan and are a nice set up.
probably are around $250-$300
I would appreciate it if you could tell me where I could find these fixtures for these prices. The only place I could fnd them that cheap, is the auction site, and they're a really crappy brand.
I do see the MH's for $150, but I would have to purchase the ballasts. The MH w/ T5 are waayy too much, except on the auction site, which again, I don't trust that brand (after reading bad stuff).
Feel free to PM me w/ any info.
Originally Posted by Bubbles02
I currently have a 46g bow and have about 45-50lbs live rock. I have a clam, candy cane, xenia, zoos, and shrooms under the Nova Extreme Pro(the 6 bulb combo). Everything is doing great and the clam lookes really good, I light acclimated him up to one of the higher points in the tank and the color is brilliant. I've gotten a lot of growth out of the candy cane and xenia in the short amount of time that i've had them. I'm just waiting for my canes to split. My zoos and shrooms have bright color as well.
The Nova Extreme Pro is just stock now. But if you go to this link, it will give you a good bulb combo and you can keep just about anything under them. I've found the bulb combo at reefgeek for a little under $145, shipping included. Also, the best price I found the fixture at was ***********.
Thanks for the info. I'm gonna go your route. I read on the that thread you sent that you were intersted in them. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate if you could PM if/when you purchase them and let me know how you like them. Also, thanks for giving me the best places to find them.
I really don't want to go MH, because it's really expensive. I think i'm gonna go w/ the 6 bulb fixture, and just stick w/ it for until I can upgrade the bulbs, and maybe get the combo you suggested.
The way I see it, I'm using a single flourcent, normal outbput bulb for the past year. If I upgrade to a 4 or 6 bulb T5 fixture, I'm gonna be more than happy. I won't be upset w/ my choice, until I get a MH in the distant future. I understand that MH's are more appealing, and maybe a little bit better, but that's to you experienced reefers who can tell the difference. I think you can tell by my questions that i'm a rookie and I'll I think I'll be happy w/ the T5's.
THanks a lot for all your help. I plan on ordering the 6 bulb T5's after I get my taxes back. I'll let you know my final decision.
Feel free to contiune to comment.


Active Member
on the bay 36" light
150 watt mh
2x 39 watt t5
2 year warrany
that would work perfect
assuming your tank is 3 foot


Originally Posted by deejeff442
on the bay 36" light
150 watt mh
2x 39 watt t5
2 year warrany
that would work perfect
assuming your tank is 3 foot
Thanks for taking the time to find it for me...
I saw that one, and but they don't even MENTION the brand. IDK, but I feel they must be trying to hide something if they can't even tell you who makes it.
The 2yr warranty is good though, I didn't even see that. BUT, I was reading up on Odyssea, which is a common brand on the bay, and apprantly they used to be named JEBO and they changed their name because of warranty issues or something.
I'd hate to have a problem like that and get screwed w/ a broken fixture. Besides that, even if they do exchange it, what am I supposed to do w/ the corals in my tank? Wait for the exchange to process? in that time, they may die.
Have you had experience w/ these lights?? I'm very scared of buying them, just because they are literally like 1/3 or 1/2 the price of a name brand. That is a big difference.


Active Member
i uderstand but alot of items in the world you pay for the brand names.

for example double the cost of generic.same ingredients.
i have a light fixyure that is 15 yrs old and i cant find a sticker on it of a brand name.
good luck with what ever you get


Originally Posted by deejeff442
i uderstand but alot of items in the world you pay for the brand names.

for example double the cost of generic.same ingredients.
i have a light fixyure that is 15 yrs old and i cant find a sticker on it of a brand name.
good luck with what ever you get
Yea, I know. It's just that w/ the Odyssea brand, I read that the fixtures would melt and stuff. Probably not a good thing if you're not home. Kind of a fire hazard.
I emailed the guy and he said the maker is Workhorse Assemblies. He also said that it comes w/ a 5yr warranty, but in the listing it said 2 Yr. I tried doing some researching on the company, but could only find ballasts, not fixtures.
IDK if this is real or it's a knockoff. What do you think?
i would LOVE to get that fixture, but i'm scared of it being crappy.


Well-Known Member
I may be the only one, but I have odyssea fixtures, and I've never had a problem with them. I have run t5s over the seahorse tank, and have t5s and cf over the 110. Granted, my lighting isn't near good enough for sps, but I have leathers, LPS, and zoos in the tanks with no problems at all. The leathers especially are growing pretty well under these lights.
Like I said, I may be the only one who got good fixtures, but you never know. I've had them running for a year now with zero lighting issues.


Active Member
i just picked up a 220 gallon tank yesterday ,i am going to get the 72 inch version of the light unit you were looking at in a couple weeks .i dont know when you are going to buy a unit for yours but i will let you know how i like the unit when i get it.
i figure 2 yr or 5 yr warranty at least they back it up some.
did you look up the unit on better business or consumer report?
i will try and see what i come up with.


Active Member
i couldnt find them on bbb,but i looked at the feedback and everyone seems to be happy with the light.the only negitive feedback was on a couple of pumps they sell and a few shipping problems.they have something like 1600 feedbacks so i am pretty confident in thier lights.
i think a 5 yr warranty is pretty good now a days seeing nothing is made like the old days anymore.


Originally Posted by deejeff442
i couldnt find them on bbb,but i looked at the feedback and everyone seems to be happy with the light.the only negitive feedback was on a couple of pumps they sell and a few shipping problems.they have something like 1600 feedbacks so i am pretty confident in thier lights.
i think a 5 yr warranty is pretty good now a days seeing nothing is made like the old days anymore.
I looked through his feedback thoroughly, But, I doubt the fixture would mess up right away. Usually ppl get the item, install it, run it for a little while, then leave feedback. By the time the fixture messes up, IF it does, the feedback will already be sent.
besides that, a lot of times ppl don't want to leave neg feedback cause they don't want to receive it.
I emailed a bunch of ppl who purcahsed the fixture I'm looking at. ONly 1 person got back to me, and he said that so far it looks TOp quality. He's only had it for 2 days though. I'll keep you posted if anyone else gets back to me. I'll PM you.
Also, I'm not gonna be buying it for maybe a month or so, amybe longer
Originally Posted by novahobbies

I may be the only one, but I have odyssea fixtures, and I've never had a problem with them. I have run t5s over the seahorse tank, and have t5s and cf over the 110. Granted, my lighting isn't near good enough for sps, but I have leathers, LPS, and zoos in the tanks with no problems at all. The leathers especially are growing pretty well under these lights.
Like I said, I may be the only one who got good fixtures, but you never know. I've had them running for a year now with zero lighting issues.
Thanks for sharing. I'm glad they're working out for you.
Do you have experience w/ other lighting, or is this your first set?
I ask because when I get my lights, I won't be able to tell if they're good or not. IDK anything about lights, and this is my 1st fixture so I have no frame of reference. No matter how crappy, I'll think the light output is amazing, because right now I'm running a single normal output flourecent bulb


Not sure if I can put a light on here that I have. I am going to use it until my new tank cycles. I think it would be what you are looking for, but know about rules of posting things on here and how big of a hurry you are in for a light.


I'm looking at an item on an auction site that is a Metal Halide Fixture (250) and 2 T5's attached (also comes w/ moonlights).
This is the reply the seller said
"Unit is made by workhorse assemblies - ballast inside is made by Tiva comes with 5 year warranty "
What do you think?? Let's I'm unhappy w/ the ballasts, it should be simple enough to swap it for a good ballast, right?
The fixture is like 1/3 the price it is for a reliable brand, so let's say I swap the ballasts, I'll wind up saving money in the end. Should I just go for it?