beginner reef tank Qs



In a FOWLR setup are you saying you DON"T have to add calcium? What will help coraline growth? Do softies need calcium?:confused:


In a FOWLR setup are you saying you DON"T have to add calcium? What will help coraline growth? Do softies need calcium?
Since fish don't really absorb CA, Maybe regular water changes should suffice with your CA Management. :happyfish


New Member
Can someone explain what everything in that diagram is? And why its even there would be helpful as well.


Can someone explain what everything in that diagram is? And why its even there would be helpful as well.
That diagram is the perfect set up IMO. It incorporates everything that is needed to set up a reef. The bottom represents the fuge/sump. The process starts by water draining into the sump area where the protein skimmer skims the water. Then in the second chamber is the mud bed with macro algae. This draws out PHO4 and some more organics. The critters in the mud bed eats the detrius that drains from the main display. In addition, it is a place where micro-creatures grow to help naturally feed your coral and filter feeders. The Macro Algae, calerpala, also excretes speacial plant gums and material to help keep your fish happy. The last chamber has your pumps to return water back to the display. Pretty Simple



Originally posted by druluv
I would like to suggest that you buy your equipment with a reef tank in mind, even though you may initially plan to keep only fish.

Great advice... I got into this hobby wanted a FO tank... But after poking around online and looking up things I had changed my mind to a Reef tank before my tank had even finished cycling!!! needless to say I had to change a few things equipment wise. So i would have to agree with that 100%... unless you are THAT sure you want a fish only tank, go with reef equip. Wish i woulda got advice like that. have fun!


i have been thinking of how to set up a 90gal bow. debating reef or fowlr thanks for the info druluv!


Active Member

Originally posted by Don424
doesn't the live rock need calcium?

Calcium is needed by calcareous algae and animals that lay down a skeleton or shell...however, it is also important in the relationship between pH, alkalinity and calcium. Trying to correct for pH problems, for example, is much easier when you know your alkalinity and calcium readings too - regardless of whether it is a reef or a FO.



Originally posted by ophiura
Calcium is needed by calcareous algae and animals that lay down a skeleton or shell...however, it is also important in the relationship between pH, alkalinity and calcium. Trying to correct for pH problems, for example, is much easier when you know your alkalinity and calcium readings too - regardless of whether it is a reef or a FO.

I guess that's a yes?