beginner with a 14 gal biocube


sweet.... yes. id def. get rid of the damsels right about.... to mean..
and some good nano fish..
clowns... of course< always a good personality
cardinal fish
not to much though... keep inverts and corals.. less on fish
Forgot about the back chambers...
In my back chambers I have built a mini-refugium in place of the bioballs. I will give you a quick rundown of how my back chambers operate.
Chamber1(if standing at the front of tank, chamber all the way to the right)
Bag of purigen
Bag of chemi-pure
Chamber 2
Drip tray still in place
False floor removed(all you have to do is push down on one side and remove.
10 watt submersible light(runs when my moonlights run, about 14 hours a night)
Wad of chaetomorpha(macro-algae that "eats" nitrates and phosphates)
Chamber 3
Upgraded the stock return pump to a maxijet 900
50 watt Visi-therm Steath heater
Also for extra water circulation I have a Koralia 1 on the opposite side of where the return pump exits. Both of the powerheads are pointed towards the surface of the water.
I keep about 17 pounds of live rock in the display. I only have 2 fish, a ocellaris clown and a sixline wrasse(who will be getting replaced with a yashia haze goby.) As long as you keep the bioload low, a Biocube 14 will work very well for a reef tank. Any questions, just ask
I know this post is really old, but I have a 14g Biocube for my son and I wanted to say thanks for the valuable information in this posting of yours. I just ordered everything you mentioned for them from eBay...great prices. I assume you dont use the Bicube skimmer right? In your fist much of the media do you use and in which order?

See next post for the light I bought for the refugium.
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I know this post is really old, but I have a 14g Biocube for my son and I wanted to say thanks for the valuable information in this posting of yours. I just ordered everything you mentioned for them from eBay...great prices. I assume you dont use the Bicube skimmer right? In your fist much of the media do you use and in which order?

I dont which light you have for the refugium since you didnt post a brand, but will this do?