Beginners Questions


I have just started my marine tank. I have an emperor 400 filter equipped with old media cylinders that are already bacteria filled. I also have another large filter running and a powerhead. My tank is 55 gallons equipped with about 40 pounds of live rock and 20 pounds of live sand. I have 2 damselfish in my tank now and my ammonia levels are beginning to drop substantially. My question is do I need to add a protein skimmer, do I need more rock, and are their any tips anyone could give me since I would value any information to better aid me to support my future wildlife.


You don't "NEED" a skimmer but if you can afford one, I think they are much better. I use a Red Sea Prizm on my 20g. They are about 80 online or 100-110 in a store. CPR BakPaks are good. If you want to keep polyps, corals, inverts, etc. I would definately suggest a skimmer.


Active Member
You can probalby have a good system just the way you are. More LR will only help things as it will allow for more biological filtration. A simmer is not necessary (I've been running skimmerless from the start), but it can be a good saftey net, especially if you are prone to overfeed.
75g Reef
My Site


Active Member
Skimmers are a saftey net but not neccasary.More live rock and a deep sand bed make a big differance in natural filtration.If you do decide to go with a skimmer red sea makes a good one as well as sea life systems and berlin.Research and see whats best for you.What kind of power head do you have?


Active Member
unlike most here, i have no skimmer and never one on either of my tanks, they are a great safety net, as previously mentioned,
but yes you could definitely benefit from more live rock, I LOVE THE STUFF, in your system, i would have at least 80 lbs(especially if it is fiji)
HOWEVER, at this point, you should anly add well cured lr, and probably add it slowly, since you have fish in it already, because you could spike your ammonia again
not that your ammonia is dropping, watch your nitrates, they will peak and fall too, then you are done cycling