Beginning Tank Cycle


I've read a couple of articles that say you can start the cycling process by adding lr/ls, a hardy fish, or purchase bacteria. I started my tank yesterday with calcite and aragonite sand(2.5" dsb), saltwater(1.024), ph(8.1), amonia,nitrate, nitrite(0), 2 powerheads, biowheel powerfilter. What is my next step, adding lr/ls, a hardy fish?????


Originally Posted by cushen123
I've read a couple of articles that say you can start the cycling process by adding lr/ls, a hardy fish, or purchase bacteria. I started my tank yesterday with calcite and aragonite sand(2.5" dsb), saltwater(1.024), ph(8.1), amonia,nitrate, nitrite(0), 2 powerheads, biowheel powerfilter. What is my next step, adding lr/ls, a hardy fish?????

I am new so I cannot help too much. BUT if you get the book " the conscientious aquarist" by pretty much guides you through the whole process.
Many would swear by that book. I have read it 5 times just to get some knowledge under my belt before I started.
Good luck!!


if you put uncured lr in the tank it will cycle. i wouldnt put a fish in the tank until it is completely cycled. although some fish, like damsels, can make it you are still harming them way more than they should be


Add uncured live rock or a couple of cocktail shrimp from the grocery.
Originally Posted by cushen123
I've read a couple of articles that say you can start the cycling process by adding lr/ls, a hardy fish, or purchase bacteria. I started my tank yesterday with calcite and aragonite sand(2.5" dsb), saltwater(1.024), ph(8.1), amonia,nitrate, nitrite(0), 2 powerheads, biowheel powerfilter. What is my next step, adding lr/ls, a hardy fish?????


What is the difference in LR and cured LR?
I'm making my own rock from portland cement, crushed coral, and crushed oyster shell.
Should i put the fresh rock i created in the tank or let it cure for a month to balance the ph, then place it in the tank???
please help


what your going to want to do is , i know this seems like a pain in the ass , but transfer your water into a garbage bucket (an unused one). get your uncured LR and LS , set your LR up in the tank the way you want it , then pour the LS in , you dont need alot of LS , getting a 20 p[ound bag is a waste of money , just get the 10 pound bag and mix it with DS crushed coral rock or whatever. Put a plate into your tank and put your syphon hose onthe plate so you dont mess up your aqua scaping then syphon your water into the tank , now with the uncured lr your not gonna need anything else no shrimp no fish , the LR is going to kickstart the hell out of your cycle , my tank cycled in 13 days , i did a 20 percent water change , then added my creatures , i now have (23 days into this hobby) a clown fish huge turbo snails , a chocolate chip starfish , 30 slugs , and 10 hermits , and they are all doing awesome , Just make sure you get uncured , and dont scrub it , no matter how nasty it looks , its going to smell pretty foul to , but once you get it in the tank it wont be much of a problem. Also during your cycle Do not run carbon , dont run your protien skimmer and for your own sake do everything right the first time, So when you add the LR , you Will see your Ammonia Spike , then your nitrites will spike and your ammonia will slowly go down , and your nitrATES will go up then your nitrites will slowly go down, when your Iates and ammonia hit 0 and your ates are in a safe level , you are ready to do your big water change , Using RO Water , and get a fish the next day , (i suggest a hardy fish ) doesnt have to be a damsel if you dont want to be stuck with one , a false perc will do fine , if you go with a false perc , get 2 of them , also add your clean up crew , and start running your skimmer if you have one
Also Yes The Conscientous Marine Aquarist is a great book , I highly recomend it .
Hope this helps


Oh cured LR is just cured , there is no die off , or very little , all the bacteria is healthy ,
Uncured LR is Rock that has alot of die off from shipping , and is good to kick start your cycle , and DR , is , basically what it sounds like your doing (which i dont recomend) if you using cement , there is latex in cement which IS NOT good for your tank, If your gonna do it , make sure that you mix it with LR so it has a chance to seed and become live


Active Member
Any ammonia source will work to start your cycle. Use your imagination. If you don't have any flake food yet buy some. You will need it in a month when you add some fish anyways. A pinch here and there will create an ammonia source for you. You actually want to start seeing some positive readings for ammonia in the tank when you test it. It will spike pretty high and then fall to zero. Then you are on to the nitrite half of the cycle which will take care of itself.
When you see a 0 reading for ammonia and nitrites for a few days (probably around 20 days from now) its time to add your clean up crew i.e hermits snails. A week or so after that and you still have 0 readings for am and ites and its time for a hardy fish or two.
Don't bother testing for nitrates until your ammonia and nitrites are reading 0. You wont get an accurate reading anyway and it will only serve to confuse and worry you.
IN about thirty days you will get your diatom outbreak (brown algae) this is actually a good sign, it basically means your tank has cycled. Good luck and welcome to the hobby.


Thanks Murph..That was a big help. I can also do the shrimp thing right?
I am going to order the LR and hopefully can start filling with the ro/di water. How deep should the sandbed be? I heard anywhere from 2-4"..but everyone is different.