benefits of RO/DI filter?

55 gallon

New Member
I have well water and have always used tap water filter for my aquarium water. Never had any problems( that I know of), However I think I am ready to make the jump to an RO/DI filter system. I have chosen to go with ************** and the 75gpd 5 stage ro/di system plus. can anyone tell me if this is a good choice or the pluses and minuses..or do I not even need to do this upgrade. My tank is a fish/reef tank 55 gallons.


I believe you will find that most people recommend that you use RO/DI water in your tank. Water from your tap, whether it be city or well water, is going to have some things you may not want in your tank. These can be chemicals, heavy metals, or other "pollutants" that are not going to be beneficial to a closed eco-system like an aquarium. Some pollutants in water can be harmful to invertebrates, such as copper. Other pollutants, such as phosphates, silica, and nitrates, can increase algae blooms.
RO/DI systems will filter the water to about 99% purity; labratory quality water. Then, you use your salt mix to give you repeatable results without worrying about what kind of things you are putting into your expensive fish tank.
Having said that, some people claim to always use tap water and claim great results. It may depend on the location and what types of dissolved materials are in the water in your location. You have indicated that things are going well with your tank, but you don't specify what is in it. One could argue that if it isn't broken there is no reason to fix it. On the other hand, I did a quick search on your previous posts. They seem to relate to "why do my crabs die" and "what can I do to get my water chemistry back into parameters". Perhaps there is a connection. "Not all well water is well water" (Cute line stolen from Kinetico water softener commercial.)
Most people on this site would probably recommend the upgrade.

55 gallon

New Member
I currently am using the aquarium Pharmaceuticals tap water filter and spending $200+ a year on replacement cartridges. I figure if I get the upgrade which will cost me the $200 it is even wash. I know I will also have to buy replacement cartridges, but it sounds from talking to the guys at bulk reef supply the replacment filters are $25 every 6 months or so, and I will need to replace membrane every 2 years...are they giving me correct advice?


Active Member
I have been using water from the Glacier machines and I have had amazing results compared to my faucet water or bottled water.
They have a little computer thing on there that says when the last time it was cleaned and I always get my water within a week after the last cleaning just to be safe.


Originally Posted by 55 Gallon
so you just go and buy water from a machine when needed?
Yes. I should have addressed this in my previous e-mail. It would have been more accurate for me to have said that most people on this board would recommend RO/DI water. You can get that by making it yourself, or you can go to a place that distributes it.
Having said that, I would think that most places sell RO water rather than RO/DI, since there is debate out there about the health risks of drinking RO/DI water.
When sent through an RO system (which usually includes some filter floss as well as carbon filtering as well), about 95% of the impurities are taken out of the water. The DI stage takes out more and gets you to about 99% purity.
Many people use RO water from Walmart or a grocery store. You bring your own buckets or bottles and fill up at their machine. However, you should be sure that it is a place that changes its filters on a regular basis. Otherwise, you are just paying for water that may not be any better than the water you currently get for "free" at home.

55 gallon

New Member
Ok so now am not sure what way to go.... do I continue using the tap water filter I have and buy more replacement filters, or do I move up to an RO/DI system or do I just locate a place and go buy the water? Which is the most cost eficient and best for my tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 55 Gallon
so you just go and buy water from a machine when needed?
I purchased 2 5 gallon jugs that look like those jugs that sit on top of a personal water. Their great because they have a handle and a good lid.
I just always keep at least 5 gallons in my house and when one is used up I go and fill it up.
My machine here is $1.75 for 5 gallons
You still need to add clorine remover just to be on the safe side. The machine says RO on it
I would use RO from a machine until you can get your own RO/DI system
When I used my city water I was having terrible algae blooms


Active Member
Personally I would get the RO/DI....I used to have to go get water and it was such a pain...Now with my 120 I make it on my own and never have to worry about running out.


I would go with an RO/DI unit. I used to buy mine from the Glaciers machines but got tired of always going out. I just purchased mine this week. Here is a photo of it. Now I have my own water for my tank and for drinking and dont have to run out or dig around for quarters to buy it.


i have the same unit from bulk reef supply. the only bad thing i can say is that they didnt send me any of the tubing for it. i had to call them up and have them resend it. my water goes from 190 PPM out of the tap down to 7 PPM out of the RO unit then 0 PPM out of the DI.
I would also recomend a ro/di unit i have a 75 gpd that i got a great price on it at the bidding site. I got mine for 130.00 The guy I bought it from makes them personaly and he is great. Out of nj. 100% recommend it. I used to buy my own water from weis/walmart and mix it. Booo never doo it again. Heres a pic of mine. Ro/Di all in one

55 gallon

New Member
Ok So I think i am sold on getting the RO/DI unit...I looked at bulk reef it seems like the 75gpd system will fit the bill... and I will have Ro water to drink as well if I put valve in between the RO and the DI Right? Now what about getting the wtare from my laundry room ob first floor all the way up to tank on secong floor??? or should I just fill buckets when i need to and dump into tank manually? what does everyone else do? any pictures of your setup will be a great help...Thanks


New Member
I also just thought of getting my own unit. My LFS finally got their RO unit up and running and I have bought two of their 5 gallon jugs to refill with water for my tanks. I still have tons of salt, so I can get fresh water and mix it myself.
I'm curious what "bidding site" you guys are talking about? What brands are some of the "better" ones?


I heard that the stated gpd are when the water is at the right temp. Also that they only do about half of the rating. Not trying to highjack, thought this Q might also help the poster.


Originally Posted by TAD
I heard that the stated gpd are when the water is at the right temp. Also that they only do about half of the rating. Not trying to highjack, thought this Q might also help the poster.

i believe this is true about any rodi that you buy they are rated at a certain temp and during cold months they produce less, mine is rated at 100 GPD and makes 5 gallons in little over an hour (i guess that is about right for a 100gpd unit)
i bought mine from *bay and love it only paid 100 including shipping, had it for 6 or 7 months now.
water going in is about 400 TDS water after RO membrane 3 or 4 and after DI is 0
i use to use the water from wally world it did the job, but i love my rodi unit now