BenTrue...and other PC users

fish fry

Hey I just saw another post of yours about lighting. I'm curious with your set up what type of corals are you keeping?
Also how loud is your cooling fan?
I have a 30 gallon and I'm interested in upgrading the lights. I don't want to spend the $ for MH. I've used PC's before on a 29 gallon and they worked well although I only kept really low light corals. I'm wondering what others are keeping.
I'm also wondering how loud you cooling fan is and if your bought the hood or DIY.
Fish Fry


Active Member
I got my 2 96 watt PC's from ----...I just have a regular desktop fan near them and it's blowing towards them...For some reason, it keeps them VERY cool to the touch...not even a little warm! Without the fan, they are very hot to the touch! The just sit right on the glass..i do not have a canopy for a 46 bow. I think it is tough to find a 46 bow canopy. I like them a lot!


Active Member
I have a self made hood with my pc bulb mounted to it. I use no cooling fans but did leave the back of the hood open for venalation and access to pumps and such.
I have 1 96 watt pc and 2 40 watt no bulbs.
Currently in the 55 system I have the following.
Yellow polyps, colt coral, various mushrooms, hammer coral, red open brain, toadstool, and a tiger deresa clam.


I have prefab PC's with twin comp type fans. The fans are very quiet untill they get dirty. I clean them with every water change to be safe. Or when they start making noise, which ever comes first.
My corals include: green open brain, xenia, candy, torch, stone polyps, shrooms, green star polyps, fox, leather, button polyps, frogspawn and elegance.


hey fish fry, i do not have a cooling fan because my hood pretty good sized openings in the top that allow the lights to stay pretty cool. i am not keeping any corals yet, but i am going to be purchasing my first coral today :D :D :D
i love my PCs on my 29. if i had a larger tank i would probably go with a combination of PCs and VHO, but i will decide that when my cash flow allows me to upgrade to a larger tank :rolleyes:


I have a 50 gal (48X13X18) with 4X55w PC and keep the following corals:
two open brains, bubble, hammer, encrusting montipora, encrusting porites, favites finger coral, several mushrooms, yellow leather, toadstool leather, green star polyps, torch, button polyps, xenia.
In a 37 reef with 2X55w I keep
Mushrooms, christmas tree, sinularia, xenia, branching flower pot, button polyps, sun coral.

fish fry

Thanks for all the info so far.
For those with fans, is anyone using a pre-built hood? I'm wondering what manufacturer makes the quietest fans. The ones on my old tank were pretty loud, which led me to keep the fan off, which led to the ballast burning out sooner than normal.


Active Member
Hi Fry:
I have a manufactured hood by JBJ with twin cooling fans built in. They run very quiet, you can hear them but they are not loud at all. I have been very happy with them so far.

fish fry

Did your fan come built in to the hood? There web page makes it sound like the fan is seperate.
Also what type of bulbs are you using? Do you have the 10,000 day light? Does anyone know how that looks, is it similar to a MH 10k bulb?
Fish fry