Berlin Airlift Protein Skimmer....


Does anyone know anything about the berlin airlift protein skimers?? I have seen them at petsmart and some local pet stores, and have heard good thngs with the berlin name....... Anyone>???


is that the brand name or the type of skimming method used by it??? in general though, the more $$$ you spend on a skimmer, the better it will be...likewise, usually the least spent on it usually means iether it will be high maintenance or low quality to use depending on size of tank & bioload...if it requires an air pump & an airstone of some type, I'd avoid it at all cost IMHE...of course "lower cost" skimmers are no where near worth what LFS or chain stores charge for them if you check out the online prices you can get for them...


I ran a berlin airlift 60 in my 29t mini-reef, it was a great skimmer and was very efficient. You just have to fiddle with it alot, everytime the water level changes because of evaporation or top off, etc. you have to change the level of your skimmer. to high of a water level and it will fill with water, to low and it will not get anything....but when it works, it really works.