Berlin Classic Owners



Just want to check.
What pump are you using to run your Berlin Classic?
If you have tried several I would like to hear about it.


I have a berlin turbo classic. Basically the same thing as the regular classic exept it came with a pump made for the skimmer so thats what I use on it now.
I tried a rio 2500 on it like many sites recommend for it after the original pump it came with broke(I bought the skimmer used) but the rio did a pretty crappy job on it compared to the one it came with so i contacted Red Sea and they sent me a new one for free. I like the turbo pump or whatever they call it much better.


Im running mine tapped off of a quiet one pump. I think its 1125gph. Im not quite sure if is working to its fullest potential in this setup. I could be wrong due to the backpressure from the main return line. I just copied the pet stores setup at the time. I do have to rework the plummbing though. Silly me didnt think to put a union where the skimmer connects for easy cleaning. It used to pull a lot more crap out of the water. Time for a good cleaning. I also recall reading a thread that you can connect a kent marine venturi and beef up the pump for a more effective skimmer I might give it a shot.


Active Member
The pump will really depend on what size tank you have it on, I ran a mag 7 on my berlin on a 75, and a mag 5 for a 55 gallon. HTH



Originally posted by Adrian
The pump will really depend on what size tank you have it on, I ran a mag 7 on my berlin on a 75, and a mag 5 for a 55 gallon. HTH

Adrian - On a 90 gal in sump modle do you think the Mag 7 would work better than a Rio 2500?


Active Member
I would use a mag drive over a rio any day ;) As far as performance rating I think they are pretty close, so I would go for the better pump. HTH


Baraccuda - Thats a rather large pump, now if I recall correctly your BC skimmer is external? with the Kent venturi right. Where is the pump inside the sump area? Your skimmer is attached outside the sump?


Active Member
There's a problem with Rios when compared to magdrives. When I used to work in an LFS, we had a problem with several people returning them throughout the year. Why? Because if a Rio burns out, it doesn't just seize up like most pumps. It often releases oil into the tank (oil cooled pump) and that creates a disaster in your system. No one wants that. :D At least if another type of pump fails you may be able to save your tank.... if it wasn't your return. :cool:


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
Baraccuda - Thats a rather large pump, now if I recall correctly your BC skimmer is external? with the Kent venturi right. Where is the pump inside the sump area? Your skimmer is attached outside the sump?

Hey Tomas,
i have recently desassembeled the Venturi and use original one. My website contains all the pictures of my sump. This may help to answer your questions. 1060 is actually sutable pump for this kind of skimmer. I tried to use Rio 2500, but Eheim 1060 works better.