Berlin Turbo Classic skimmer ?'s

I have everything set up I want to know if the thing is working properly. How much foam should be in the middle of the collection cup? How much water should come out of the return outlets? I have many questions and the instructions aren't helping a &*&%$%$ bit!!!!


it depends on how much stuff you have in the water. if you have alot of things to be skimmed out then you are goingto have more faom. as long as you chanbers are filled with bubbles then they are working fine. My skimmer pulls alomost nothing out opf the water now. but when the tank was starting up it pulled all kinds of stuff. :)
I would like to know the difference between opening the air tube all the way or closing it all the way. Also, the instructions told me to turn the pump all the way up and when I did that a lot of water was coming into the collection cup so I had to turn it down is it still working with the air tube completly open and the pump turned down low?