best 240 gal set up CLOWN TRIGGER


i just got a steal for a 240 setup everything from sand to sump to stand and more. I want to stock:
Lrg Naso 9-10in already in there
atlantic blue tang 6in
purple tang 6in
my awesome panther grouper- he needs a bigger home
and a Clown trigger
i'm worried about the trigger, will i be able to add any other fish, any large/ huge angels. what about the clown trigger and a humu trigger together in a 240 gal? thanks! i've got 3 tanks; 75 - 125- and the new 240. i can mix and match cerytain fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rara12
Are the atlantic blue tangs the ones that dont do well in captivity???
yeah they do horrible


yeah i want to see some pics of the clown trigger those are my favorite

shark bait

You said Angles? what kind. as you may want to determin that ahead of time with the clown triger and the order of who goes in when. a humma CAN live with a clown trigger given they are aded at the same time and they are of similar size. You can find clown triggers that are calm, but they can change in a blink of and eye and chew on anything and everything in the tank. I may just do 1 trigger, but I have had the 2 in a 100 gal with lots of rock work.