Best Actor or Actress


Active Member
I vote for Jack Nickolson and Kevin Spacey for guys
And I vote Monica Bellucci for women she is great and she is WAY WAY WAY sexy.


Active Member
I liked Tom Hanks in The Da Vinci Code, but maybe i just thought it was a really good movie.
one actor i like is Wes Studi
and for an actress, either brittany murphy, keira knightley, or dakota fanning.


Johnny Depp is a great actor and is good at the odd roles that no one else would be good at.


I'm gonna have to say Kate Hudson - I love her!! As far the guys, they change from day to day so I can't give a specific one...


Active Member
put me down for morgan freeman...
i just watched the shawshank redemption for likr the 500th time yesterday...


isistius beat me to it, but the first guy to pop into my mind when I think of my favorite actor is Will Smith, that man has incredible "style" that nobody else can touch.
As far as actresses? Hmmm who's that chick that played in devils advocate? I like her. I think she was in sweet November too but I may have my memories all mixed up.
After googling... Charlize theron (sp?)

darthtang aw

Active Member
I can't believe no one has said angelina jolie, brad pitt, edward norton (come on american history X was a very good roll) orlando bloom (anyone that can take a pansy fairy elf and make him into a badass has done some good acting) samuel L. Jackson (no explanation needed), john travolta, Halle Barry, Christian Bale (batman and american psycho ruled)


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
orlando bloom (anyone that can take a pansy fairy elf and make him into a badass has done some good acting)
Hahaha, that's hillarious
and BTW he's a hottie too!


Active Member
I have to agree with Darth on Edward Norton. He was amazing in American history X, as well as The Score, Fight Club, and the Illusionist.


Ok I have two votes for male I would say bruce willis.( Can not believe no one said him yet) and ed Norton ( loved american history X)
But I kinda like adrian brody also.
Ok women - Charlize theron ( how ever you spell it)


charlize, alba, biel, the girl from tansformers megan fox


Active Member
There are a lot of great actors and its hard to narrow down the best one. I'd day a top 5 or 10 is more appropriate...
And Megan Fox is beautiful... so is Scarlett Johanson...
Sam Jackson is a a great actor...


Originally Posted by Rylan1
There are a lot of great actors and its hard to narrow down the best one. I'd day a top 5 or 10 is more appropriate...
And Megan Fox is beautiful... so is Scarlett Johanson...
Sam Jackson is a a great actor...
i love the chappelle skit with samuel jackson beer!!!!...