Best Anemone?


I am trying to decide on what kind of anemone and clownfish I would like to get. I know not all clowns will host in their natural anemone but as long as I try to match them up. I would really like the percs, oscellaris, clarkii, sebae or maybe even the skunk clowns. The anemone is what I need some help with. Some anemones like the carpets will get much too big for my 60 Gal and others will move to places like the upper corners of the tank. So which anemone would be the best given the following: I really like the bright colors, blue, green etc but must be bright. I dont want them getting HUGE and not having enough room in my tank and I dont want them to sting other corals so less aggressive is better and least toxic is a plus. Also are there some that will be more willing to stay where you put them as long as lighting and current fits their needs? So given that and the clowns I would like, can you recommend an anemone for me??


Active Member
You have some pretty strict requirements there. Any anemone will grow. I have a BTA that is currently around 10" in diameter.
Understand that your clowns don't need anemone's, and that there is no guarantee that even a compatible clown will take to any anemone.
All anemone's need excellent lighting and water quality...meaty foods as well.
Here are a couple of sites dealing with compatibility and care.


Thanks for the links! I realize that clowns dont need them and wont always take to them but the best you can do is try. I do have 440 Watts of VHO for my 60 Gal so I think the lighting is enough. As for water quality, I am going to let things settle for a couple months before even attempting an anemone and make sure I really want one. I might just try to get my clowns to take to some sort of coral instead. I have my clowns and cleanup crew coming in tomorrow so I will let them get situated for now. Are the BTA very aggressive towards corals? And do they come in any colors other than the brownish/cream colors?


Active Member
Some are more aggressive than others, but the problem is that they move. They don't have eyes, so they don't see what's in their way. They may just "bump" into a coral, and then sting or be stung.


Active Member
You stated your clowns (as well as a clean up crew) are coming to you tomorrow, which clowns are you getting?
I dont know a thing about carpets, but with anemones, its a given that they will move, mine do, but not enough to make any difference or cause a disturbance.


Well I'll probably hold off on an anemone until I can setup a non-coral tank for them. I've read the xenia have no probelms when clowns host in them so I might try them out. I ordered 4 false percs and they should be here shortly. I think those are my favorite ones and I hope they arrive safely.