Best Anemones for Clowns?



Considering getting a pair of clowns not really sure which ones I'm interested in yet, what would be one of the better anemones that they prefer. Or does it all depend on the the type of clowns it is? Also what type of lighting and food source would that anemone require?
looking in to..
a. percula
a. ocellaris (snowflake or midnight i like them both)


Well-Known Member
First, could you post tank stats? Water parameters? Maybe there is something you need to correct or adjust before getting an anemone. Clownfish may or may not host an anemone that you provide. Bubble tip anemones are quite common. They require frequent meaty feedings, and intense lighting such as many T5ho lights or even Metal Halides.


Well-Known Member
so those are the basic nemo clowns...right? LOL
Seabae im guessing or long tip or something lol
bubble tips are for tomato style.
Anemones require strong lighting, good flow, and some feeding. The clowns will feed it sometimes ive seen. I dont own an anemone just cuz i dont want it to sting all my current coral by roaming!
An aquarium of a year to six month old is required too!


There's never a guarantee that a clown will take to a host anemone. But there are some methods to help entice them into one, which I don't recommend trying while they're very young.
Bubble Tips are probably the easier to get to host, and will host many species of clowns. I keep my Ocellaris in BTA's.
In order for an anemone to thrive, the tank must be mature (6+months old) with good and stable water parameters. It also will need good lighting (T5, metal halide or a good LED setup). I squirt some fish food towards mine while feeding, they don't get fed anything special. As my clowns have matured, they have started to feed the anemone themselves, which is very cool to watch.

bang guy

BTAs are the generic host to pretty much any Clownfish. They are one of the natural hosts for A. ocellaris as well.


So if I was to say get which ever pair of clowns they don't necessarily need an anemone right away I can't get away with having them in a FOWLR and then when my tank matures over time think about getting one then

bang guy

The Clownfish you list will actually never need an Anemone. I definately would advise against getting an Anemone only for the Clownfish. If after a couple few years you want to introduce an Anemone that would be fine.


Okay so they don't need an anemone, now with these clowns that I picked is it possible for me to have 2 pairs in one tank or will they fight?

bang guy

A six foot tank can safely house a pair of Percula and a pair of Ocellaris. The Ocellaris could start harassing the Percula 10 or 15 years from now. I have seen multiple pairs in shorter tanks short term but I have not seen multiple pairs in shorter tanks long term. I'm sure somewhere someone has done it successfully but I know many have tried it unsuccessfully.


Yeah I hear what you are saying, would it help if they were introduced all at the same time or you still need to play it by year and see how it goes