best anenome for a reef tank?????


I just lost a BTA (didnt look healthy from the moment it was delivered) in my 125g.........I'm looking to replace it because my maroon clown loved it so much but I felt the BTA moved around a little too much and knocked over my corals all the time.
Is there any type of anenome you would suggest for a reef tank??
Also, I would like to get one with a little more color this time???? any help would be appreciated.


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Condi anemone. Inexpensive, eager eater, hardy.
What kind of lighting do you have?
250 MH & T5 combo..........current usa......
are the condi's colorful..........I'm gonna try to look them up on this site


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cooqie
conis are knows to eat fish and i dont think you want your maroon to be eaten
Never heard of this myself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Never heard of this myself.

Actually Condies are well known fish eaters including clowns .
Also anemones are not reef safe and you are taking a big gamble putting one in a reef tank .


Active Member
I have always like rock anemones. They are inexpensive and they are nice looking and are very hardy. However, like all anemones they will eat fish, sting coral and might roam.


Active Member
I got my rock anemone 2 years ago, he moved once right when i put him in. But once he found a spot he stopped. He never ate anything and hes doubled in size since i got him.


Member poor BTA is officially out of the tank now. (what a mess taking it out).........I tried to give it a few more days to turn around but it obviously didnt.........Now it's time to make the decision on whether to get another or not..........from the replies in this post I think I might hold off for a while because I'm concentrating on building my coral stock and many coral keeperz say not to mix the two.
My only concern is my loved the BTA sooooooo u think she'll miss it or just move on without to much effect??


forget the anemone. get a frogspawn coral they are very colorful and almost look similar to an anemone in my opinion. also in some case they host clown fish


Yeah, the frogspawn may attract a clown to host it but the clown could possibly irritate it to the point of it not opening up.
To answer the original question, the best anemone for a REEF tank is none. I'd get rid of the idea altogether personally. They are ALL a risk.


Originally Posted by S_Holman33
Yeah, the frogspawn may attract a clown to host it but the clown could possibly irritate it to the point of it not opening up.
To answer the original question, the best anemone for a REEF tank is none. I'd get rid of the idea altogether personally. They are ALL a risk.
Thanks for thoughts............welcome to the long have u been part of the obsession???

mx mr bean

Originally Posted by S_Holman33
Yeah, the frogspawn may attract a clown to host it but the clown could possibly irritate it to the point of it not opening up.
To answer the original question, the best anemone for a REEF tank is none. I'd get rid of the idea altogether personally. They are ALL a risk.
ya sometimes the clowns get stung too from the frogspawn. luckily my maroon does fine and goes back and forth to my frogspawn and hammer coral. heres an old pic when he started to orbit it. now he goes in and out.


Condys are rough Mine likes to roam a lot. He has moved 3 times in the last week (once completely across the tank) and I think he just does it for a change of scenery. It upsets the whole tank when he does it too. I am glad I only have fish. Imagine the damage he could do otherwise.
If he doesnt settle down I am gonna see if I can get him a job filling in for the Travelocity roaming gnome.


Active Member
i have a condi and it does well it has not ever moved since adding it besides maybe a few inches from one rock to another, i have a anenome shrimp and anenome crab that live in it, he has never bothered any of my fish.



Active Member
i think they are very colorful and i really enjoy him he has been great for me as a beginner anenome, he dont move, or bother anything and he dont mind the crab and shrimp living on him at all.