best anenome for pecula clown


New Member
I would really like to breed my peculas, and I know they would be happy to have an anenome. I know that the green capet takes clowns, but it is a little too big for the 20g my clowns are in. I read on this site that the pink tipped haitian takes some clowns (and the size and price are great). Does anyone know if it will work with pecula clowns??
Also, does anyone have pictures of false and true pecula clowns so i can see the difference? Thanks alot!


New Member
almost every clown loves the ritteri, but i could only manage to keep mine about 3 months. pretty expensive too. I have also heard better things about bubble tips. more durable and perculas love em. i recently got a maroon clown for another tank and he swam right into a 7 dollar atlantic anemone thats practically bulletproof... so i dunno, if your water is excellent get a ritteri.


Here is an article that highlights some of the differences between true and false.
Nasty little hobbits, pasting links which don't belong here. It harms my prescious home site.


maroons and clarkis are the least picky with anemone types, but percs are more selective and often delay accepting even natural host anemones in captiviy. i have heard of captive spawnings without a anemone. You could try a bubbletip or long tennacle anemome as there have better survival records in aquariums, still need to meet their specific needs for long term survival.

mr. tuna

Active Member
since you cant fit a carpet... a bta would be good.
i had a hatian anenome and my clowns hosted in it.


New Member
I wonder if you can have ANY anenome in a 20gallon tank. I'm assuming you don't have any special lighting that an anenome would want. I would guess that you might get one to live for a month at best.
I may be wrong, but it would probably be a good idea to check out what environment the anenome needs before jumping in.


New Member
Well I have known people to have anenomes in a 30 gal or so, but that is a good question. This tank is specifically for my clowns as I am hopping to breed. Does anyone hear know of any specific lighting a bubble tip would need? and would a 20 gal be suitable for them to thrive? thanks!
btw thanks for the advice guys!


power compact 100watts (blue atinic/10k combo) would probably work best for your 20g tank, anemone needs to sit close to the light source and would need to maintain excellent water parameters for any hope of longterm survival


I have 2 false percs that show no attention to the bubbletip that is in the tank. They have all been living together for about 2 month, but the percs do not notice the bubbletip. I think it is hit or miss, but good luck!


My false perc LOVES my green mushroom colony. Mushrooms are easy to keep and do not require high lighting.



Originally posted by shrimp134
Really nice picture there Drakken...I like the yellow tang slipping in the picture for some photography..Lol

Thanks! The tang likes to hang out with the clown. I'm waiting for the tang to start hosting the shrooms too! :joy: