Best bang for my buck, 250W MH ballast?


Hey, i'm looking to add a MH, 250 watt setup to my PC's on my 55 gallon tank. I have access to big discounts at electrical supply wholesale houses and i'm wondering... What ballast, if any, could I use for 1, possibly 2 MH's that would be a regular over the counter brand. Magnatek, Universal are the ones that come to mind, but i'm not sure that if any of you have had luck with the barebones ballasts like this. Any feedback on this would be great. Thanks!


I'm imagining that any 250 watt ballist will ork on whatever mogul socket you put it on as long as its not HQI . Best bet would be to ask the guys in the supply house since they deal with it all the time or catch an electrician thats comming in for parts and ask. They would know the best and beable to help. Plus most are getting paid to make the parts run so a few min outta their time will not be a biggy since its a break away from work lol.