Best Beginner Corals


I just recently started a reef tank the store told me what to start with, but u can't always trust them. So with your experience which would be the best corals to begin a reef with.


IMO, Mushrooms and polyps are the best place to start, they are easy to keep, and basically you dont have to worry about your lighting..
Gl on starting your reef...its SO much fun...
~Susie ;)


Active Member
Yup...Id have to agree with susie...shrooms and polyps. Star polyps are cool lookin, need medium light and current, shooms need little current medium to low light.


Shrooms and polyps work for me. I noticed to get the best looking shroom development put em in a place with as little current as possible or crinkle and pucker up! Polyps on the other hand love current, I have chunks of liverock covered with them, and they look like little hillsides covered with grass blowing in the breez. :cool:


My first coral was a Glove Polyp. It is very easy to take care of and it seems to be growing extremely fast. It may not be the most elegant thing, but I think you would have to actually go out of your way and try to kill it for anything to go wrong - so this may be a good starting point for you.


I just got my first coral yesterday.It was a green mushroom polyp and its doing great(or do they expand when o.k.?)All I have right now for my lighting is a 50/50 15w bulb and I placed the shroom at the very top of the lr.It also has a small polyp attached to it also(green shroom).Hop this info. helps you. :cool:


Thanx for all the suggestions, I am just gonna wait and see how my buttons polyps do and my 2 mushrooms do then maybe think of getting more.