Best beginner fish and coral?


I would hold off on the coral unless you want to upgrade your lighting system which can be costly. clowns chromis and damsels are good beginner fish just be careful with the damsels they can be nasty and i would look for some books on saltwater fish too. Good luck


are these beginner fish for a new tank? meaning old is the tank? how long has it been in operation?


ok no tank yet but it will be a 55. Iv got a book shipping now. and i plan to get a 48in. mh setup maybe with some pc actinics for the coral. and oh yeah ill have a sump around 10 or 20 gallons so i can keep more fish and coral.


Active Member
The water volume in the sump does not really add, IMO, to the number of fish you can keep. It still won't give them more room to swim. Additionally, if you want corals, you may need to make a or corals. Most coral tanks have fewer fish in order to keep water quality superior.


I want to keep coral and fish but more fish with just a little bit of hardy corals and an anenome for a clown fish. Can an anenome survive under a 4x65pc with 2 actinics? also wut corals could survive under the same conditions with fish around them?