Best Book of Corals


I was just wondering what book (encylopedia) you people would reccommend. I know I'll get many opinions, so throw them out there for me. I would like something that offers excellent color shots with all the information in regards to keeping the coral. Thanks.


Active Member
I don't know the best book, but the ones SWF has are pretty good for the basic hobbyist, so I hear.
Now, if you want to drop a ton of cash, I mean in the hundreds, I have seen some really complex coral books in stores. If you live near a school with a marine biology department, their bookstore usually offers some nice choices.
Ask one of the sharks, they probably have some good suggestions.
All depends on what you're looking for too. :cool:


I like the two that I have
Julian Sprung's "Corals, A Quick Reference Guide" &
Bornemans's "Aquarium Corals, Selection, Husbandry and Natural History"


Active Member
ill 2nd the Julian Sprung's "Corals, A Quick Reference Guide", good book to bring with you when looking to buy corals, nice lil quick guide of placement/lighting/general care