Best Chiller?


I need a chiller for my 112 gallon tank that is going to be in wall with 6 5' VHO light running on it. I have figured that i will need at least a 1/4 hp chiller maybe up to a 1/3. What would be the best inline chiller that i should get? I have seen the JBJ Arctica, Titan 1500, Via Aqua Polar Bear, the Pacific coast, Coralife, and Prime in-line. Which of these are better and which one should i stay away from? :help:


New Member
I would reccoment the Artica. I have one on my 29 and have no complaints. The tank is in the living room and I have never heard the chiller when it kicks in. It automatically activates 1 degree over the set desired temp...unlike some I have seen start 1.5 and up over the set temp. Not too sure why you would get that when you are trying to keep your tank from wild swings

Just keep at least a foot of space around it and if possible, far away the tank or in another room, as they displace alot of heat.


I have the 1/3 JbJ artica also for my 150 its just fine. Yes they do displace alot of heat so I have mine in another room. My home is on a raised foundation so I have plummed everything to a closet about 15ft away from my tank it works great. They should sell a ducting unit for the chillers however they do not I have made one my self and it works great also.


Active Member
I also use a JBJ Arctica chiller. I have the 1/3HP model on my 300g. The manufacturer only recommends it up to 250g or so, but it keeps my tank right at 80.5 degrees during the peak of summer and with 3x400W MH and with four pumps (return, closed loop, chiller, skimmer) totalling about 800W all pushing the tank's temperature up.