best cleaner?

What's the best cleaner shrimp, crab, fish, and snial?? and about how big do each get? i thought about a pepperment shrimp but what do you guys think?
thies will be added later after all the levels have perfected
1)i don't care but mianly want it to eat parisites
and algae
2)i don't know what they will be going in with yet but i have 3 damsels right now so.....
3)it's a 55g
I was looking on this site and found some cool ones: Cleaner Wrasse, Midas Blenny, Emerald crab(mabe), Cleaner Shrimp, Small or medium Coral Banded Shrimp, some kind of turbo, Pepperment Shrimp, and i think that's all that i tooked at that looked and sounded good to get
do any of thies need special treatment like a reef or any thing?


If you want a great parasite eater you can go with scarlet cleaner shrimps, or fire shrimps. Be careful not to add anything that will eat them later, like puffers. You can also go with blue neon gobies to eat parasites, they don't seem to get eaten by anything.


in mo2c i think cleaner wrassesare better let alone they are hard to keep alive if i were yopu i would go with the shrmp

old hermit

lawnmower blennies are great on almost all alage. mine always has a fat belly and it is in a 29 gal tank. there also cool to watch it leaves lip prints all over the glass. :D