best clown for a bta?


I currently have a (~6") bta who is doing very well... I wanted a pair of clowns as well but have been holding off as I wanted tomatoes originally, but I think they woudl probably be just too aggressive when my tank is all stocked...
any suggestions are appreciated... but which types of clowns naturally host with bta's asides from maroons & tomatoes?
Drew :)
btw, Im not very partial to any sort of percula's -- false or true :p


All clownfish will host in a BTA, it is probably the one anemone that all clowns will go to. It is also the easiest to care for, as it is highly mobile and requires much less intense lighting than most.


What about maroon clowns? I know they have the same body style as perculas, but their coloring is a lot different. Clarkii's will take to the BTA (but they take to anything lol) I'm partial to cinnamon and tomato clowns..a bit aggressive at times, but if you get them young and they grow into the tank, they're a lot nicer (as long as nothing goes near that bubbletip lol)


Active Member
I have one tomato clown and 2 bta's ( cause mine split a few months ago). The tomato was one of my first fish. It is not aggresive to any of the others, just chases them off if they get to close to one of the bta's - it takes care of both of them. It's a cool fish....just don't ever add another clown of any kind with a tomato.