Lesley - ask the mods, or many of the other experienced hobbyists. That topic has come up many times before. I don't have studies to support this or anything, just experiences from myself and others.
Like I said, it has it's benefits. However, IMO, the
best way is to let the cycle run it's course without bottled bacteria.
But thanks for the vote of confidence in saying I am making things up...
However, you are entitled to believe whatever you want...I've cycled 3 tanks. I actually used Stresszyme on the first one, my 29g, and it worked. I've used it to push my tank over the nitrite hump, and it worked. And then I heard from a lot of experienced hobbyists that it is better not to use it. I trust those with more experience than me.
BTW...... IMO means In My Opinion. Take a look at how many times I put that in the previous post.