Best dwarf angel for peacefull setup

a sea k

I can't chose between a Flame or Halfblack angel for my 65.
The tank already contains 1 Perc clown, 1 Tailspot blenny, 1 Firefish goby, 1 Hi-fin banded goby.
Remaing fish to be added before the angel include 1 Yellow assessor,
1 Mandarin goby
As you can see these are all small peacefull fish and my biggest concern is the level of aggression of the angels, I'm not too concerned about "reef safe" tendancies.
So I guess my question is which of the two angels would be most compatable w/ the fish I am keeping?
I have researched both and have found everything from docile to aggressive behaviour listed on both and do'nt know which to chose.
Any insight from those that have experiance under like conditions would be very helpful. Thanks, Chris


Active Member
As long as you have at least 100lbs of Well Established live rock, the flame angel should be fine.
They will become more aggressive if they don't have enough foraging and/or hiding spaces....
65g might be a bit small, even for a pygmy.


With that much rock, and being, I assume, the last addition there should be no problems either way as far as aggression goes. Without enough rockwork, any dwarf angel can become extremely aggresive.


As stated above, you should be fine with that much live rock. I know Flames love swim space so you might consider looking into a small Coral Beauty. Or you could always get a Flame, but once it gets big do the right thing and give her away to a bigger home. Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by A sea K
I can't chose between a Flame or Halfblack angel for my 65.
the half black is said to be alot more docile and shy than a flame angel. I have never found any of the dwarf angels that aggressive if put in last and with no other dwarf angels (granted I've only had coral beauties and a bicolor). Just an occasional quick get out the way chase at best. From what I've heard the small pygme angel is the most aggressive. If you like the half black why not the Eibli Angel. Virtually the same fish except it has orange/red stripes. In a 65g I think you will do okay with any of them.


I think the half black angels are nicer than flames........flames are nicer to look at.
I half a bicolor and a flame and I find the bicolor to be very docile too. Then again, it depends on the individual personality of the fish too.


i have a flame ,but i wanted a lemon peal its just that i already have a yellow tang and didnt want all yellow fish. i had a pigmy that was meeeeeeen.

a sea k

Thankyou all for the replies. I guess i will chose on what I think will look best in the tank (leaning toward the flame) but main concern is the agression (slight advantage to the Halfblack) tank size is on the small side but the smaller dwarfs all seem to meaner than most and def. don't want to go there.
He will definately be the last fish in so I have time to figure this out. I am finding it very difficult locating a Yellow assessor so this may take awhile.


Active Member
Originally Posted by A sea K
Thankyou all for the replies. I guess i will chose on what I think will look best in the tank (leaning toward the flame) but main concern is the agression (slight advantage to the Halfblack) tank size is on the small side but the smaller dwarfs all seem to meaner than most and def. don't want to go there.
He will definately be the last fish in so I have time to figure this out. I am finding it very difficult locating a Yellow assessor so this may take awhile.
noo.. lol j/k.. i saw a halfblackfor the first time nd i can gaurentteee you wont be dissapointedd.. they ae kinda rare in my lfs so ive only seen one and i lived it they have half black body and this one has very faint orange stripes like the flame does in balck
wich ever you choos lets see some p ics