Best filtration possible?


Active Member
Lets just say you had an unlimited budget and wanted to make sure you had the best filtratrion. What would you do for a fish only tank? or reef? and why
Nothing crazy either just commercially available stuff


Active Member
No idea wut pulling an atlanta is haha? I mean like realistically as in let's say a 240 gallon not atlantis haha

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Realistically if you had the money and lived on the beach you could run pipe work a few hundred yards out to sea and have a constant loop of seawater run in and out of your tank


Active Member
You're gonna get as many answers as there are filtration systems.

Define filtration. Do you mean mechanical, biological, physical, chemical, all of the above???
For that size tank, I'd run the Berlin system, but that's just me.


Active Member
whats berlin?
Idk like for example I'd have my tank overflow into the basement, through some turf scrubbers, through a fuge/sump, through a huge skimmer and thn through a few huge rubber maid storage containers filled with water for dilution.
I dont mean things such as hiring someone to change my water every 10 min and follow my fish around with a net scooping up their poo


Well-Known Member

I would sill use my canister filters. They run silent, I can run lots of different media in them, and they are simple to use. No drilling, no contaminants like dog hair. I clean it when I do a water change every 3 to 4 weeks...15 minutes from start to finish.
The only gizmo that ever gave me grief is my skimmer...I have yet to find one I like.


Active Member
I would probably build an algae swamp, a shallow wide laggoon of nothing but multiple macro algaes sand rock and various other intertidal plants (were talking a good 7-8hundred gallon lagoon for a filter) about 12 inches deep in a greenhouse, and let the most dominant take it over. then run any tank i want to add off it.


Active Member
An EcoAqualizer
If I lived right on the coast then the ocean. Since I don't; good sand, good rock, good skimmer.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I would probably build an algae swamp, a shallow wide laggoon of nothing but multiple macro algaes sand rock and various other intertidal plants (were talking a good 7-8hundred gallon lagoon for a filter) about 12 inches deep in a greenhouse, and let the most dominant take it over. then run any tank i want to add off it.
yup all do the same. this is the best i think


Active Member
I wouldnt use the cannister. too much maintinence to keep them from being a nuiscance.
But the largest sump/fuge and skimmer set up you can do would be about as good as it gets. possibly even a turf screen too.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I would probably build an algae swamp, a shallow wide laggoon of nothing but multiple macro algaes sand rock and various other intertidal plants (were talking a good 7-8hundred gallon lagoon for a filter) about 12 inches deep in a greenhouse, and let the most dominant take it over. then run any tank i want to add off it.
That sounds so damn cool.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
An EcoAqualizer
If I lived right on the coast then the ocean. Since I don't; good sand, good rock, good skimmer.
This is a revolutionary device! It is blessed by Poseidon himself and it combines the revolutionary new rare earth magnet with the high tech "plastic." I believe that word is pronounced Plaz-teck. Anyway, I am shocked and outraged that you would imply that this miracle device does not meet and surpass the advertisement!
Originally Posted by florida joe

Realistically if you had the money and lived on the beach you could run pipe work a few hundred yards out to sea and have a constant loop of seawater run in and out of your tank
Yeah, ocean-sized fuge would be freakin' sweet!
In any case, if you are honestly asking this for your own benefit. I would get another tank larger than the DT and run it with wet dry, fuge, an algae scrubber (just for giggles), and simply load that thing with live rock.


Active Member
To be realisitc;
As above, get the largest fuge and skimmer you can. Skimmers, cones are the latest tech on the market, I would get a good one of those (good, meaning pricey). And then the largest fuge you can, and turn it into a 'display refugium.' I am going to do this on my 240, lots of macros, some LR, some rubble, and some tough to keep fish.
If you wanted to start tinkering, the next best thing to the ocean WC idea, is to rig something up that would be more or less constantly doing water changes that's fully automated. Have it make SW in a separate container, drain the sump, then add the fresh SW.