Best Food for Tangs, clowns and Damsel ?


just wondering after reading alot of opinions. What are the best foods (could be more than one) for a blue tang, yellow tail damsel and a clownfish. Is there one food that is benificial to all or do i have to feed different kinds. So far i have been feeding flake food and brine shrimp. They all seem to eat both, what do you all think. Thanks in advance.

Also going away for about 4 days what do you all do while on vacation to make sure your fishies are fed.


Active Member
ditch the brine shrimp, they are junk food.
the best food hands down is home made. its fresher and you can controll the ingredients and there are never any fillers like ash, or preservatives. unless you add them.
but some great foods brands are
newlife spectrum
ocean nutrition
omega one
San franasico bay frozen
sallys frozen
omega one frozen
there are lots more too.
the key is feeding a varied diet. the more different types the better IMO


Believe it or not I did know that they are damsels, but thanks, because the next thing you tell me about i might not know. Also, all the foods you recommended, are they good for all the fish in my tank. Also do you know anything about seaweed for the tang.


Active Member
there are varieties of each brand perfect for the fish you listed. like ON formula two is good for the tang and damsels. ON formula one best for the damsels but the tang will eat it too.
OMega one pellets with garlic is best for the damsels but again the tang will eat them too.
the best seaweed (cheap and nutritious) is nori wraps from the grocery store for making your own sushi. or you can buy seaweed selects it comes in a variety of colors but green IMO is the best because most herbivors eat it, some shy away from the red and brown sheets.


Active Member
heres a picture of the foods I have on hand not including most of my frozen stuff Because I threw out the packaging and you wouldnt be able to tell what it is, I also did not include any of my planktonic or particle foods. the samll bottle of prime reef is actually new life spectrum thera+A (my dogs chewed the original package)