best food??


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i have 2 clowns, golden angel, scooter blennie, firefish,,,,,emerald crab, 3 pepp shrimp, sexy shrimp, 2 anenome crabs, and various corals.
what is the best food to feed these for nut and treats? i just want to make sure they get all they need. right now i feed
frozen: mysis, blood worms, angel food, krill
flake foods


Active Member
i feed my fish anything from mysis shrimp, frozen formula one, frozen marine cusine, cyclopeeze, formula two (flakes) and two types of algea sheets. plus and either vita chem or garlic extreme


Active Member
i talked to my local fish store and they dont have much.
they have
they didnt have
is there anything else that would be good that they might have? they said for me to come tomorrow night bc they mark stuff down then


Active Member
from what i have heard, don`t use salmon because of the fatty oils in it

if you have a walmart super store, try there. the one here carries all kinds of that stuff


Active Member
Beth has a posting here on all sorts of good information, to include homemade food. I used her recipe as well as added some goodies for all inhabitants of my old tank. I also grounded up some garlic tablets, nori sheets, and some spectrum pellet food with this recipe and I will tell you that my corals and fish loved it along with a boss' fish. I would also use cyclopeeze as a supplement for my corals an inverts.
Originally Posted by Beth
Home Made Food for Fish and Many Inverts

I basically make my own fish foods. You can get a bag of frozen seafood which are sold to make seafood salads, oriental foods, etc., at the grocery store [ask the attendant at the seafood counter] or you can see what is available directly from the fresh seafood counter such as: octopus, scallops, shrimp, squid, clams, etc. Generally, no oily fish, such as salmon, however, if you have a fish that is suffering from Head and Lateral Line Erosion [HLLE], you can certainly target feed the effected fish with small pieces of oily foods a few times a wk [high in Omega3 Fatty Acids which is known to improve many cases of HLLE. Food process** this mix until it is pretty much a "mush then roll it out on a flat pan in a square shape. Freeze it until it is solid, but not frozen like a block. Depending on how much seafood you have, you may be able to cut this up in a few 4 sq blocks [the size that brine shrimp is pkged in--the non-cube variety]. Do the cutting then place each "block" into a small freezer ziplock for storage [each having their own bag]. You can cut off chunks as needed for feeding. Use Zoecon or minced fresh garlic added directly into the seafood as you food process. If you are also feeding your fish veggies, like seaweed selects, shredded carrots, broccoli, etc., you can, as well, mix this right into the food processor with the sea food. If your fish likes a particular frozen food a lot, go ahead and mix that in as well.
Make sure you wash down your fresh foods thoroughly before mixing and let them drain off excess water before you begin the food processing. No need to add any water to the mix. In fact, I don’t suggest doing that at all.
As far as I'm concerned, home made foods made specific for your type of fish is the way to go, particularly fish that are obviously not healthy. It is easy and cheaper than the watered down foods that are sold for the hobby. Look at the ingredients of any frozen foods sold for the hobby. What is the primary ingredient----? “Moisture”…..yeah, your fish needs more of that, right……….
For reef tanks, consider this as "tank food" as well. Reef tank detritovores need to eat a well, and this receipe suits that purpose.


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Originally Posted by jessica47421
do i just mix this all raw then freeze it? great!!!


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i went and got fresh, shrimp, scallops, salmon, and smilt(can this be used looked like little whole fish)and i think it was flounder.
will this be enough this is all they had


Active Member
Originally Posted by jessica47421
i went and got fresh, shrimp, scallops, salmon, and smilt(can this be used looked like little whole fish)and i think it was flounder.
will this be enough this is all they had
If you mean "smelt"; they're quite oily FW fish...I'd avoid them, except in very small amounts.