Best for blue hippo..

mr. tuna

Active Member
I would like to know what is the best food for
a blue hippo tang? Anybody have one that is fat,
and healthy, that would like to tell me what they feed


i have a 5.5i fat blue hippo that has been in captivity at least 4 years, 1.5 yrs with me. he eats everything i put in the tank= flakes, raw shrimp, seaweed sheets, brine and mysis shrimp. good luck, oh and he is NOT an ick magnet either, always heathy!:jumping: :jumping: :jumping:

mr. tuna

Active Member
Thanks Marine man!! :yes:
nunchuck.. he is fine. Dont listen to everything people tell you because a blue hippo is fine in a 92.
you might think i am wrong.. but what ever.



Originally posted by nun-chuck
you have a blue tang in a 92 corner??? thats not very good:nope:

My lord! You don't even know how big the fish is and you're already judging. I give that a :nope:

mr. tuna

Active Member
i understand that fish grow....
but i dont have tons of LR, and he will have lots of caves to make himself comfortable, and lots of room to swim too.


blue hippo if you can see were born to open water. they are fast fish and they need space to swim fast. if you see your blue hippo is swimming but doesnt have enough space to swin fast for a wile you need a bigger tank. but i undestand you.



Originally posted by royalshrimp
but you know fish grow

You have got to be kidding me!! I had no idea!! :rolleyes: