best glue for corals


Active Member
i am wondering what the best way to attach new corals i purchase to the lr in my tank...i need something which i can put on the end of the rock which the coral comes on and stick it into my tank water and have it dry and stick to my lr....


Active Member
well most people either use a 2 part water safe epoxy to bind big things like corals with bases to rock or if u wanna attach frags to rocks u just use some super glue gel


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
well most people either use a 2 part water safe epoxy to bind big things like corals with bases to rock or if u wanna attach frags to rocks u just use some super glue gel
both the epoxy and super glue will dry quickly under water?


Active Member
I found that epoxy doesn't really stick underwater. Superglue worked better for me, at least for smaller jobs (frags). Dries very quickly underwater with no apparent effects on livestock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by uberlink
I found that epoxy doesn't really stick underwater. Superglue worked better for me, at least for smaller jobs (frags). Dries very quickly underwater with no apparent effects on livestock.
so i would just take the new piece of coral out of the water it came in, put glue on the end of it and place it in my tank where i want it and hold it there for a few minutes and then it sticks?


Active Member
Sometimes it takes a couple tries (you kinda build up a little glue), but yeah, that's basically it.
Be sure to get superglue GEL. The liquid will not work for the rough surface of rock. I use the loctite brand with good luck.


Holdfast, imo, works better than anything else for frags, rockscaping etc. Especially since you dont have to remove anything from the tank, and you can work with it underwater....
"Build a cascading waterfall, construct an underwater landscape with live rock and coral, create steps, caves, cliffs, and walls for reptiles to enjoy. Explore the limits of your own decorative imagination with HoldFasT. Non-toxic and easy to use, Holdfast activates in the palm of your hand and dries within 30 minutes.
No messy liquids to measure and mix - just break off a piece, knead it until it turns white, and it's ready to bond...even under water! Workable for at least seven minutes before it begins to harden, HoldFasT smooths or sculpts to resemble the surrounding rock, wood, slate, or other environment. And it can be sanded, filed or drilled within one hour of mixing. "


Originally Posted by rusting
Can you get holdfast at Homedepot or Lowe's

No, or most likely not. Most LFS will carry it. Both places I frequent carry it. Other than that, it is available online on many reef-related websites.


Active Member
excellent i am heading to my lfs for there 50th anniversary sale or something crazy....everything in the store is like at least 25% off!! its gonna be nuts...i will prolly go for this putty and end up getting myself in trouble!!