Best growth to money corals


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What are the best corals to farm from a growth to money factor? Which corals in trade or sale bring the best buck.


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LFS will usually buy xenia because of the fact that it doesnt ship well. they would rather get it from someone local then risk having it die in transit from the major suppliers.
if your looking to sell to other hobbyists, then theres a lot of acroporas and montis that will bring in a good deal of money. especially if you have a lot of LE pieces, a frag pack of can easily sell for $300-$400.


Active Member
I personally know someone that i had worked with for yrs that frags out his tri-color acro and it has made him a net worth of 10,000 in 7 yrs. I picked a nice size from him recently for 150.00


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
I personally know someone that i had worked with for yrs that frags out his tri-color acro and it has made him a net worth of 10,000 in 7 yrs. I picked a nice size from him recently for 150.00
How about a pic.
Does this stuff grow fast enough to make money?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
I personally know someone that i had worked with for yrs that frags out his tri-color acro and it has made him a net worth of 10,000 in 7 yrs. I picked a nice size from him recently for 150.00
Yeap,,....I've got 2 huge tri-color acros that I'm fragging today, (see my post about frag tank) each one is about 7" around and I already have most of the frags spoken for, I fragged one several weeks ago to test to see how they would respond to being chopped up, within 2 days already had polyp extension and lost no color. I've contacted most of my LFS and they are very interested in anything I have, but I'm going to start specializing in Australian Acans, chalice and Micromussas. Took me about 2-3 months to refine my fragging skills.
xenia is always a good sellers along with zoa's


Active Member
It's all relative, you can sell frags for $20 or you can sell frags for $100 depending on the type, for a while I was kinda swamped selling $20-40 frags and it was a lot of work, just keeping up with paypal, shipping, invoicing etc.... It can become a real pain, so I decided to start dealing in higher end items, just ordered a huge sunset, superman & rainbow along with several other monti's, working on a deal for a tranship order of Australian acans etc...
Kinda a longer term investment as I have to grow everything out, frag it etc... I'm really not in it for the cash, as I enjoy the process of growing and fragging......


Active Member
any stony coral tank will make plenty of money (after you've spent plenty of money to make a thriving one). even ifit doesn't make money you will never have to pay to get new corals.


Farming has to start with a total love for what you are doing. Without that draw to grow these animals you will be overcome with the startup cost, matienence cost and labor/attention that needs to go into it.
I'm working on my first REAL tank right now. It's a 75 gal. I have several other tanks ready for setup but are going to sit tight for now. My good tank will get going, and I'm going to frag as much as I can. Starting with softies. My main goal for the first year is to have an extravagant collection of ric's. Once I've met that standard I will set up a frag tank to increase production.
I want to be able to set a tank up for someone and turn it into an amazing reef for them at very little cost. But I want to do it to share and to protect the reefs. After that, I'm going to sell/trade them like crazy.


Active Member
well as far as looking to make money I think they take too long to produce enough for you to sell and to actually make a lot. You have to look it as hobby before you look it as a business but you never really make that kind of a money if selling from home cause you still have to take in consideration electric and products you spent on getting that coral to grow. I think softies are the ones that grow the fastest for you to make any money.