Best hair algae eaters?


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Ok. It's about time that I got some help for my cleaner crew. The hair algae is getting pretty obnoxious. What is everyones favorite/best pick for critters that eat this funky stuff? :help:


Active Member
Sea Hares a good at eating it but consider them a temperary fix and solve you nutriant problem thats feeding the algae.


Active Member
Thanks Dogstar. Are those a type of Nudibranch? I've read that "lettuce leaf" (common name) nudis will eat hair algae. I think my problem started when a powerhead fell off the tank wall and stirred my DSB. :scared: And, no. (shame on me) I havn't checked my nitrates. I had just checked them before this happened and they were next to nothing on the scale(0 trites and 0 amonia). I'm going to do a water change, then recheck.
I was thinking of replacing some of my cleaner crew from I ordered a crew last April and they are needing some reinforcements. I think it is natural for them to dwindle, is it not?


I have a 58 gal and after my cycle I had quite a bit of it...a couple rocks totally covered and my LMB and turbo snails(mexican) took care of the problem in about 2 days.


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Thanks for the replies! I have a LMB but he seems more interested in the stuff on the glass than in the hair algae. Do they not like it as well when it gets bigger? Or is he just not able to keep up? I HAVE seen the scarlet/red legs eating it.


Active Member
Many cleanup crustations have some what of short life spands and many kill each other as well. Check phospates. They can get into systems from unfilterd water or introduced foods. Do a search on sea hares, I have never kept one.


Active Member
I highly recommend you attack the source of the problem which is nitrates and/or phosphates. There's hardly a need to test for it because having significant hair algae means you have it. The algae can consume it before you test it.
That said, a rainford goby should eat quite a bit of it. My dad has one and it yanks off big chunks of hair algae and eats it up. They are pretty passive though so if you have any aggressive fish it might be hard to add one.


Active Member
Rainford goby? :thinking: I'll check that out. No agressive fishes--2 oscillaris clowns, 1 mandarin, 1 LMB and 1 strawberry pseudochromis.


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I'd be worried about the psuedochromis because their body shapes are similar. And the two psuedo's that I've had were mean as could be. But it may be worth a shot.


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These are the only fish in a 75 gallon. They seem to have plenty of room. The pseudo-chromis isn't agressive towards anyone(yet). We've had her (pinky) about 2 months or so. She was the last fish in.