Best Hang On Skimmer?


Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
Ok why would they be switched? And let me ask a dumb question, which is the return and which is the intake?
I assume the picture is a prototype or the image is reversed. In this picture the intake is on the left. Note the surface skimmer, that is the intake side.
I hate to say this, but they all aren't that great. i suggest you buy a Eshopp overflow box or one from ---- and put it in any size tank that can fit in the cabinet and buy a 100 dollar skimmer and will beat any hang on and not waste the 500 dollars.
I agree with cveverly on his rating of each skimmer. As I have tried all of them except the lower price octopus. The sicci pump is a good deal. The deltec is my favorite because of the plug and play.
I also tried the coral life skimmer they are very well made but guarantee to overflow if you do a water change so stay away from them.
I probably wasted the most money on skimmers then anything else.
Here is a tip when you purchse look around for the return policy you will need it.
Anyway Good luck
Originally Posted by 3stripedamsel
I hate to say this, but they all aren't that great. i suggest you buy a Eshopp overflow box or one from ---- and put it in any size tank that can fit in the cabinet and buy a 100 dollar skimmer and will beat any hang on and not waste the 500 dollars.
I agree with cveverly on his rating of each skimmer. As I have tried all of them except the lower price octopus. The sicci pump is a good deal. The deltec is my favorite because of the plug and play.
I also tried the coral life skimmer they are very well made but guarantee to overflow if you do a water change so stay away from them.
I probably wasted the most money on skimmers then anything else.
Here is a tip when you purchse look around for the return policy you will need it.
Anyway Good luck
So are you saying put the skimmer in a small sump? Why will that do better than if it was just hanging on?


Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
So are you saying put the skimmer in a small sump? Why will that do better than if it was just hanging on?
I assume 3stripedamsel is saying you can get more skimmer for your money if you add a sump and use a sump based skimmer. I would agree if you can add a sump that is a better way to go. However, not everyone has the room or wants to use a sump so the HOB skimmers are their only option. There is no reason to add a sump and use a HOB skimmer.
If you do want to add an overflow and sump you can get a skimmer for about $300 that will out perform most if not all HOB skimmers. The Reef Octopus Extreme 200 and 160 are excellent choices for the money.
Gotcha. A sump is not an option at this time with the current setup that I have. That's why I was looking for the best HOB skimmer.
I'm bumping this thread since I finally found it so I can read it when I get home...LOL.
I just got an Octopus 800 in and need to read this again.
Originally Posted by cveverly
I am not sure what skimmer you have but this skimmer is light years ahead of the Coralife Supper skimmers. Once they break in very little maintenance. Just empty and clean the cup every few days.
You skimmer is working but it may not have the capacity for your tank.
The great thing about the Octo skimmers is the pumps are not in the tank.
One last point, there will be an extra yellow impeller and 4" square of mesh with your 800S skimmer. That is the one you want to mod. Do not mod with the needle wheel impeller that comes in the pump.
You have answered almost every question I have regarding this skimmer since I actually have one in hand now. However, I am going to let it run for a week or two then I am going to mod it. I can drill the holes with no problem but can you show or tell me how to mod the mesh wheel? I have no clue how that works.
Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
You have answered almost every question I have regarding this skimmer since I actually have one in hand now. However, I am going to let it run for a week or two then I am going to mod it. I can drill the holes with no problem but can you show or tell me how to mod the mesh wheel? I have no clue how that works.
Bump for an answer to this. I keep trying to use search but it's not working.